Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 33, 10 Kekemapa 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
Civil $ervice Commlssion Coiinty of Hawail EXAMINATION ANNOUNCEMENT Applicatsons for i>ositio]is Hste<3 below are now l>eiiig aorepted: Closing Date: Deceniber 20, 1941, at 12 :00 o'elook X. Examination. No. 25 Patrolmau, $110.00 per montli Motorpatroluian, SllO.OO pe r month phis $30.00 Car Allowanee Cloping Dnte: December 27, 1941, at 12:00 o'eioek N. E*amination No. 26 Clerk, $115.00 per month Examination No. 27 Typist-Clerk, $105.00 per month Stenographer, ,$llO.OO per month | Applieations nmst be filed in the; olPlee of the Civil Servioe Comniis-; sion (P. O. Box 137«, or lloom 18, j Couuty Buildint', Hilo, īlawaii) not i later tlian the dates listed above. For minimuni qualifications aml otlier details soe BuHetin Boards in Koom IS, Counly Buildiug, Hilo, or Courtlious<?s at I.!iuyalioehoe, Honokan, Kapuau, Kailu;\ nnd Wni ohinu. HOKU ■—December 3 and 16, 1941.