Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 32, 3 December 1941 — Slovakia Uses Nazi-Modeled Jewish Curbs [ARTICLE]

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Slovakia Uses Nazi-Modeled Jewish Curbs

BRATTSLAVA, — Tn soTving t<ie Jēwlsh problem, 'fslovßlda 1?!' elosely followit!g Nnz! Germany'd example. After morp than twO years of de ! liberation and experimentatlon Dr.) Josef Tiso, pi'elate-president of tlie protectorāte of Slovakia ,has abandoned his former program of halfway measures anfl has involted a series of laws closely resembline the Nuremberg code and the numeroua admīnistrative nieasurcs whieh give even sharpei teeth to this law throughout tlreater G<>rm&ny. Like its Nuiemberg model, Tiso's code iiivnU's tlie Je\ys mto iuU;. blooded aiui mixed-blopd. acrotdiag l« the uumUei' of Je\vish icrundpay-; ents. Man iage is foi bid(lon betwcen ; iialf, thivo quaru'i- or full blood| Je\vs and non-.lt-ws or Quanci' lew?. All offkial posit!ons are closelJ to Jews, aiul like\vise llie erncrnl practice of nn i dicsno. piiarmacy, lav: and veteiinaiy surgery. Oa rail\vay tra-ins they ean trn.vtl i onl\ in third-class ccarlies and ean- ! not use eitlier sleepers or ilininsr cars. They cannot possess radios, caiueras, fleld glasses,. fire-arms 01 fisliiug licenses. i Cannot Drive Auto I No Jew is permitted t.o diive a'n ; ainoniohilo .n!Otortrtiek or nioloi- | uycle. Tiie> eau employ aa 1 tic servauts uon-Je\vish wonieii past l«. ' Except by inhcritance, they car ! not acquiro new property of an\ ' kind. For houses or buslness now owned by Jews the gcrvernment oan appoint administrative commissioners. Those who have acquived landed propertv in ihe past thro\tch forco ' i &»\es. musi wlmu this pix>pcny lo | the orißinal owmn- agnJhßt a vcf\in<l ! of tlie sum paid for ,it. | The state furtlier enn liquidatc 1 at will or transfcr any. Jewish bui smess to nn Aryan or eorI poration. To date almost £,000 : Jewish euterprises have been liq\n"j dated. i Towns To Be "Purged" j Tiiey ean be expelled from the l whole or auy part of any village, : town or city and segregated in oth ei eenU i ā or apeeial sections therej of. Iu piineiple all eommuniiiw j with iewer than 5,000 inliabitants ( wili be purged fnst. Jo\\ii?h rePi j ileuu in Ur«er oonte;:s nnif-t vao:ito j Uimr dwclUags in certaia »poeifiod | districts sooa. x i Ali eluhi» 01' Of ! aiv o«tlawed: tho only orf,aniSr ( 'finr. tn thcy mny holonp : īīn- Jow Contral in Brati?lavi. Thoy ' ean noither co»d»ct nor parMc<palr ! t!i any puWie meetiiig, iior oan rpiy ; product of a Jewsph writor be pv,l N - ' tishe<t ftnywhere in Slnval;in. T.ntor !a periodical may be permitted to j (he Jew Centra!. 1 WorsWp is but only tn 1 buildings whose outsido appearano« f in no way reveals the nature of th< i buUding, I Schoois Are Re«tricted i Rit\ialistiie slaugiiterin.c of aniJ uiais has been abolished. Eduea i Uon&l faciiities havo Won rod«ord i to a grade school standard and a i few special class»s. The\ must A1 i tehd separate sch6ols. » From their bank at«ounts u<«n witMraw weekli' a maximum i of kronen, $20). • Hecentlv the sute imposed a £0 s per eeui levy oa Jewish ppoiwi ;; I whieh is vaiued at an estiinau<' I o,yun,M«>o,OOy eiowh» —«ioj>> th j haii ©f ihe vaiue of s?iovakia'* tot.;S I p>x>pert>—«.n<i a <0 l»r ceut lov> l bauk depo«it». 1 umduj»ilj * targe peiwuio&e o' I J«Vt *Hi he pl®ccd U< i woik c«iuiv» aud iu»ny oUvvi s!M«uevi to lm»£ iti unu^O hanaek? huiU bj V i atter the \Vot ld \Var. Aioai i>r tUc b«HAnu eflecti\e Bept. 12. So«n» ha\o bc«;n iu ioiee loi scvcral xaoulV TV Uw rcniAiudci, Iho p<>i oT t s Ui OeloWl' T^vt'!i' h< r rfpoci.il l&hela ssmU«r to tho oT *\kV wuh lUe woia lij Jcws iu Co; .1:0 i\i <<. to V WO.r t-\ *V\!\ Viau Je\ * Wtoix s CUrlstmas |