Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 32, 3 December 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

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Cfv» Service Commlsslon County of Hawaii EXAMiNAT!ON ANNOUNCEMENT Applioalioni? f<>r posi;iotis listod hoiow aro novv ao<'optod: CloBinjr Da(o: Deooiuber 20, 1041, at 12:00-o'eloek N. Examination No. 25 Palrolman, .?UO,OO j>er iuotit>i Motori«strx»lniau. $110.00 per nionUi plu* 530.00 Car Allowanoe Closiivg Date : Deooml>or 27, 1041, at 32:00 o'oloek X. Examination No. 26 " Cl» rfc, $115.W j,vm' month Examination No. 27 Typist Clerk. $105.0(> iior mouth Steiī<'graplfor, $110.00 j»ot- moutU AppH<':itions must Uo filod 5n llio of tho Civil Sorvioe eonmii»s!<«n (P. O ]>ox 137i\ or nomn IS, County Buildin>: Hīlo, īīawaii) n<>? Jater th;ni the dntos listod a!»ove. Fof mlnimuni <)n.jliftoatson# aml othor soo Pullotin ' !n Roon» 1!®. <%nmty Rundfns, līin». or Courfhousos at ' Honok«a, Knp(i:H! Kalhm ; ind Wni ohinu ! HOKC- r>eormbor 3 iuid 16, :IMI. \