Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 30, 19 Nowemapa 1941 — Defenses Rise As East Indies Get U.S. Planes [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Defenses Rise As East Indies Get U.S. Planes

By JOHN M. RALEIGH BAT A V lA, Java, — Tlie NeUierlan<ls East liidiea continue to d«ve)op Uie armed forc«s of the Dutch archipelago are exerting double efforts to be fully, prepafed — when, and if, time comes to defend the island& Planea from America are arriving in steadily increasing numbers., One secret air baae in Java re-, ceived more than 50 large crates, believed to contaln Brewater Buffalo fighters and Curtis Injterceptor ships. Simulated dogfighta between, bombers and single-»eatera are j oommon sights over the Dutch In-! dian capital. PBYS naval patro£ flying boats have been absorbed into the marine air arm, and are ia ser\ y ice at Morokrambangan, Dutch naval air base in Surabaya. Motor torpedo boats slido off the at dockyards in marine shlpping center&—a!most in mass production. West J»va Blac.ked Out The army has completed extenBāve maneuvers ln whieh all military branchee took part The ex :[ ercises were conducted during a two-dav blackout period, and communications had to be estab-, lished in utter darkness throughout west Java. "The training," ( said an officer, "waa of the moat practioal nature H , An attempt aoon wiU bc made to plaee every reser\ist in the fieid «»pemtlng w(th battk practlce that is destined to contain the «w of all modera instruments of blit*krieg. " The !ength of reservlst training periods may be extended, and mope oaUed up tfian ever before. Order» have been placed by the Nethertands East *ndian Purchahing Cbmmission for several huiidred bantani cars, known in tlvc t T n!ted States a» *blit.£-l>ujtsir(S" A few of theae have made appeai • fmee (n the Indieii. The little care *re Uieal for Nethcrlaiids Bast lneiian terrain, &nd e*peclally tho»e *reas that fall \vithin powlhle &t tack.