Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 29, 12 November 1941 — Committee To Sell Health Bonds Announced [ARTICLE]

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Committee To Sell Health Bonds Announced

Mr. Guy R«ddle, C"hainnan of the Bond Sales Committee for tho Tr.bi v rciilosss Society of Hawaii af\nounces m<?mbers ot hls ewamlUie «ssistit)g him in iseUiag Hoallh Bonds to merchants and īiuiīvUicra}s h\ thc eomSen*irvg on the oon\nv»Uefi. ar«: Mr. Hardy C. Huicn?hson, Mr. Lam- S\wtjr.an a Mr. A1 H&rrii Mr. Robort Trent, Hr. Robert Won?, Mr. H. X. Young, Mr. Ki~ eardo Lab*t. Mr. Y. Hata, Presi*s*nt of tho Jap&nesc Chaniber of Comm<?rco ane! Mr. Hisato Xsorio; to. T*n-'Skk'nt of Uk Association ato 00-<3iairmejx of the Committce ha:i<JHn£ the «aJ<> ©f Tuberculosis H«asath Bonds Japantso nn?rclvaats «4bi individuals. ; "Thc int«"w&t aud \viUin£n«as to servie on Uvc \-?irious eomnUl-

| «•»* U» s&k o£ ChmiI «Mts S«tis *nd Borrtb for the ! IWrc«iodB Socletj Ls vcn gratil fytnir. Mr. Ruddk *&S4. *