Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 29, 12 Nowemapa 1941 — Five Isle Students Selected To ROTC Infantry Regiment [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Five Isle Students Selected To ROTC Infantry Regiment

Two women artd threc men, students at the University of Ha-; waī» from the island of Hawaii i have been seleeted to impiirtant ■ positions ou ti>e Univer&ity's R., O. T. C. infantry regiment. i Pauline VVessel and lone Stavc.ly j of HUo were chosotv honorary captalns of Co, G and Co. K. ro--Bpectively. ] They were two of 17 women j students whose seleetion as sponsors by T?ginTeirtal' cadet officers ; has been confirmed bv the presi- j dent of the University and Maj.' Harold J. Keeley, professor of military seience and tactics. | Samuel Hong and James J. De-, tor of Hilo \vere appointed cadet } second li«utent and cadet staff j sorsreant. n\spectivcly, while Wal- ; | iaee Nagao of Kohala was ap-, j iK)utted a sergea.nt. j i Syl\ia Johnson of Wailuku, > i Maui, was chosen to lead the R. ■ i O. T. C. unit this year as honorary ; i re£imental eommander with the j rank of honorary cadet eolonel. I Durinj? the yeav, eadet spon- ■ yors appcar in distinetive uniforms «tt regimental re\ie\vs, m&ke pre-| sentations of company ePflcieney nwards and pnrtic!pate in regi- ! mental parades. j