Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 29, 12 November 1941 — Importance Of Hawaii Seen In Tax Collections [ARTICLE]
Importance Of Hawaii Seen In Tax Collections
j Territorial aiul. insu!ar govorn- ; ~ have forged ;ihoa<l in fisca! j nuportance amons govenuuental ' -nihdivisions of tlie T'nitod Statos. ■aeooniinp to lhe-Tas lnstiiute -of j the University of Ponnsy)vania. In !a new pnl>lication oalletl Tax j Yielfls: 1940, tfae iro%e«iiHouls of j Alaska, Hawaii, an<l Puerto Rlco i are sho\vn as haviiiß tas colloctions } ior their respective governments , jvhat are of considerable impprtartoe , i in the over-all tax |>icture. j Both the Hawaiian territorial goI vemment and the Puerto Kiean inisular goverument sliowe<l tas eolj lections in excess of that of niany |of the state govemments in tlie j United States, In 30-40. the Haw.li- , an <-oUectionv of §21 milUons \vort 1 1 lar?er thnn tho«e of eleven s«tfttes, | For tho snme yon r Pncrto Ilioo 00l - 'hvtei! $23 i«S11?ors for its insular j frōvernment or moro than did 2T | {more thnn half) of thr> states. I Maskftn collecOons did not qulte fequal of any state gorern- ! mont. thc nearest helng the statc of Nevada -v\-|tī> more than mil r!ions of state tas colleotions in 1940 ; Alaska collecte<l slightly more than |2 mill!ons. Tn it>; 1940 coH«ctions, the Alaskan jjoveniyient. ,ha«3 more ihan doabled its tfts yield of ten years prev!ou*. 1391. Hawall, tn 10R1 00l -' !ected only $Ifi mllUons nnd hnd tn- ■ ereased more than one-foarth hy I lĪ>4O. rnerto lileo more t!mn don- 1 bled its tax coHertions tn the ten-1 yenr i>erlod. Tn over $10 mil- j !ions wpp eolleoted; !n It>4o. hsi ne.led <lie ni mi»ions. j The total lav c«>Hwtions for ter-| ritoritd or ins»lar Rovemmeiits for' the perio<l 1331 to 1940 are shown in tlie foliowini: table: ' Year Hawui nwi $ \m.m $is,7<H.s • 757,158 H>.&»S,S 1»83 854,275 15,U&>.r» HW4 1.012,4)51 10,254.1) no; i .430,43$ KUma.N 11137 1.214,98« 17,(1'>0.S U»;iS 1.914,21)1 15,5T>2,7 lU'iO 1,932.570 10,575.;i HHi» 2,Ois.;;4<ī 2i.urAs Alask:m uiui llawaiian %utvs ai hh- wuh ;iscul ,voary for ,statos) 1 'K'O fvi Si,sv;t; ycai> emlLiii: June 30, 193! lt is uueresttuj: to note tho i>ro{ioi'Eiou of the total represented hy ? tton- of eaeh of the three £:••> j vonitīUMiīs Tn IfWl. of the totaV ,-onc,-t|or.s. $U7 milUom s . or fST ' «,vr.t. kollecttoīl« of tho | II !" „f«er:unen! : jvr ocr/ ' l'iH-'rto R!, o ; ard !» i>er cent. A!ast;a l>y IMO, howover. the r«erto TU | '■ae. j»oroeNt«jro '*:id rts*>n to 50- tho ! 4". atul .V:fka roKf *o 7 $>or vvnt. ] Tho ta\ <Mruetutv« ot &N llliW, i»arallt»i that v', iho ioH\ v»j£iH >UitCK tlic ( mhu' (tvudv iu tav ,\ioV:^ tuw j»<>inftHt ouf hj the Tsx !n>;l j '.a,e ..<t i«r. .'o'iial und ».«t lo.ti.ms as for the st:ites. A faSrl> j \\ u.k.,50 ,\ear to j'c.-.f } h:,- u*. .oi'tvtloi»« • a'l thesc cov«»rnmer.ts wsth se:v,t' \arirttton< nnd tStvreate«. t\otuW\ i.,' ihe e:'.r"\ -ī;Wv | Tv»ri!oria* nnd ln*u!sr govern } im !i ?v 'e««- t"f thetr rt««e C!'ov »"f\«i!« thr |'v,ijvrj\ tas> sti !ĪM0 4 Oi-«e tbov did ie, V.W !">«rUist ««e 1 ten>«\>ir s>enod vo:ue new tave>| «w a.l«ied. ihow» on aīie ' hoiie ?*e\«>r:ujx«s More (HUiaiUH' V;"s, t'i.'ut\ī on ta\e< other Umn the |»ro j i»erS\ w,\ Heiow is a tnb!e e the of tof»l tvrfHoH»l ( «Uii ,t..vu,;it t,4\ ,s.itev OOU». :iou. t\„h t \ iof t;i.\. I tVr e**ta l\ r «n ui ; \ 1951 «rf
ii Puerto U)«-o Total j *7S $27,475.«1v/ 11.217, 2S,34a,OiW' »,■4tO.S»W 25,515,7, *>4 10.570.452 22.1,1^.1(17 11 .1H0.532 27,471,401 vUi 14.ilTvO,noS n2,0t14.n-M soi iaissW: :v,,:m,i5«) :is 2UXVvl2t> 42,^:^ 17!'» 20,511,M0, 42,322.4&1 £1,207,070 iv 'U' . i(lov,(lar yo;Trv (.nnnpaM i to 1 4 .vn> Pnoi-U' Rk-jm %uros- arv 1 to I'.MO, T\ju> i.f tax Colloot. Cs»llo< ; t, Proi'torlv (;i\os Ī!l«S»VnO (liOl) I!TSO< 15 ī> Snio-. t;t\os T 1« Gv.«oKno -1 11 : To 1l ;li 00 taxos . .* S * Otl\or tskW#* Tt *J' io* :t.īu (V;tiU>»ī :ul utU<itotis, vlrtnī;s ;a\o-, \oWslo ;unl ;iud UlhH-ī o i>or w'iU ,'f to!u! ta\ t»lUvUo»s. TV t;ov\ »-uid % v, s_ N»A, i?-. UuU>> thua fo.r VnUoti StAtos ?or ii;oiio- ui\«s ;.S >YC;I ;|t* H..i vlsM Thorv ajv 'i jo..i- t;vinl for g\>\or|,\ '• < > Iho W,Uo4 {Uul U"H >t> f r iloiuHo,! Uīl%o> of ia\ ;i.ni', <>f it!s sS;;to<, tovrlioik-s, pn otlimoiU< Tl.ls & ttyo oonwuiiw ihat tV T;\ h,\v ?«\ vol •o> <;ov. : v^vK- ; -,si, v f v r Hw nv\v \ t« toviUom« aiul lu*u<ar !ft w ;i> £?\t-n 1W '•y r._ Tt\\amvv of ilu v Ton iU>: \ of , P,Uii 1v *Wl\ OhaH-uia:, \>i Sho Ta\ <\wjuof Un- Oaha KilihalioM A* } v "- '••i'ĀU'i; ;\nd WuUahi LonUwi^k,, C«»Uiilll^ivvi K H f v »f *U\S e puWWhM of U;o Tws ' >Ut\; «4 Pumo Riv\\ j