Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 29, 12 Nowemapa 1941 — BY AUTHOROTY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


NOT)CE T0 CREDtTORS | Estate Of Thomas Corbett White, Deceased All ereditors of Thomas Oorbett ! WhUe, decea«ied, are herel\v notij iied to present or mail their cl;iims j with proper voucher3 or duly jauthentieated coples thereof. even the elaim or fiāinis are secured l\v 1 niortgafres ou real proper(y, (o the undersigned at Kailua, N"orth Ko!ia, Hawaii or to W. 11. at iiis ofFiee in Ihe P>urns Building, Hilo, Hawaii. \vitīiin four months ; from the date of the first puhlieation of this notioe or they will be |iorever barred. ROY A WALL Administrator with WiH Annexed, Estate of Th6mas Corhett While, Deeeased | i > iol,er 29, Nov. 5, 12, 10—1941.