Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 27, 29 ʻOkakopa 1941 — Hawaii Sends $30,000 To China Relief [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaii Sends $30,000 To China Relief

NEW YORK CITY - The Ha- ■ \v;vii Conmiittw for Uniloii China ! Rolicf has sent ;i elwek for ?30,i 000 to naiional lu aciquarters as !its first remittanoo to the nMIon-, !al S">.000,000 carnpnign. The Hai wnii Comr«ltteo is ono of the i"ii'st of 360 comtr.itti.vs throughont tho country inui V. S. torrltorios \vlu> havi ;\chiovcd their quota in tho Uinln® C!.iiia UoHof drivo, Jamos,G, Dl«ino, Nalional Chairman. announood iocontly, ltt a a«.companjiiig the gift, Dr. Fred K. Lam, Hawaīi Chairman, proni;st d a socond reīniUanoe of bet". oen §20,000 and $30,000 soon. "Our drive as a whole is very successfut an<l the people in the commumty have responded very g:onorously 'o onr humanitarian appeal. To we have estimatod a tot«! <»f $45.000 colieoted Juere, not inciuūii\g Uie contrīl)Utt<ms to be tuvn<MJ in by th£ outside islands." Dr. Lam reported, Reoeived on Uie eve of the Soth anniversiiry of the founding of the Chinese Republic on October Joth, the Hawaii donation marks an upswing itt funds reachinfr national headquarters, Mr.' Biame said, A number of $10,000! giits, inc3udiiig one fn»« the. AflhßUiiBtrativc C«mmittee of Ca-' tholic Bishops and several indi-. vsilu;il donors. have lw«n reecivtxl' in tho hist wook, To da'r the unifietl •" thc cijC;ht major China rcliof ui tliis country has raii--mow tl*an 51.8<H\000 l"or ref«gco re]icf, rx iiabilitation and Ovx> noiiiie rwonstructt<m Ui ChinA, ... j

i ;.'v C\>ntrol Ad'i' : ;V ;» o » |UVS St&rtCd tO J >• for tlu> , > ! o thc anii-i»rofiteer-i )fd by Prcsident ■ J under the Km-j 1 y l\>wori Act, snd to re-' m.- ■ .)-n Jonti«ssly its • i. . ' -t tv! t' rmc ,>nv«it\ī\r.g . - - i<: tirto. av,d oo;y. nwmsl mampulatkms in Uie HU-, '•*-r •'.••; 8