Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 27, 29 October 1941 — Service Credit Bill Unsigned, Becomes Law [ARTICLE]

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Service Credit Bill Unsigned, Becomes Law

Howsp Bi!1 lov Uh' prantfnsr of sorv!cr i i oilU :md !lir ) payittont of co]itributious to llioi Fni|iīoy W 's Sy.Moiii or, Tt>rritory in h. hall' of niombr'i i' now servlnar frt !he militai v or nav-1 al servioos of the l'nitod Stato 5.! became law T«esday wiUiout 'h«'!

sigrnature of GoTernor Poinde.\ter. ! Tl;e governor 3iad unfil midnishr \ Monday to sign the bill. when it ! became law by i<?ason of his failure to «»ither *isn or vi-to. i TUe law applies to every activej member of the retlrement sj!?toiu; now in service In grades belo\v tliat: ot a coninii?sīone(i offlcer, inelmlinp | county as well' as terrltōrial m-! Ptoyes. The Wll was !ntrodnced by| iiep. Wallaee Otsuka of Kauai. J