Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 26, 22 ʻOkakopa 1941 — U. S. Urged To Clear Seas From Aggressor Ships [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

U. S. Urged To Clear Seas From Aggressor Ships

( "To proj>ure an impeiulii\g eon-1 ! nict with Germany is to clear | ! scp.s of J:Apanosc. Gonv,ans, T-j 1 talian and Freneh fleets, isald! ! Senatov Claude Pepper of Florida, | j The World War H wUI be de | cided between the T?nited States| ; and Gerniany." he added. | ■ "The outcome of the Russo | war will deterniine what ■ '.T:\pan will do. :vnd if Hitler will J | wi<vh*nl to conquof k Russia it is! 'ww ns ni£M follows day th;U.' Japan wiil stnko , , . If Japan! 1 rrosasos us, we vdll shoot, M !

Ono humlre<3 oiglitoon Chines<f «\iators aro on th«lr \vay to the ITntt<>d Statos to take morc amt rlg*>rous aviatii>n tn\iiUng. Many war planoa now in Ctiun*ksmr fn>m U. Sk» th*t th«y no*d eompoien} a\iatops U> m&n u Uw r«pm, j