Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 26, 22 October 1941 — Resignation Of Konoye, End Of U.S. Peace Talks [ARTICLE]
Resignation Of Konoye, End Of U.S. Peace Talks
The predictSon three months ago that Japan's Prime Minister, Prince Fumimaro Konoye wlll re sign in the «arly part of this month is now a reality, acoording to ncwspapcr reports. 1 His resi£naiion thc fruit of militarists" desire to end efforts lof concilation w'th the United | States īn order tiiat the empire j manv pursue hor e.\pansion move- ; iv.ent. It was ateo said that Kono)ye resigned because he wouīd not like to be a party for a breach I with America, The chango of Japan's cabinet my mean: to attack Russia in | Siberia or to continue her step j toward Thailand, and also it I signali!;ed the collapse of peaee j talks with the Uuited Statea. i —