Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 26, 22 October 1941 — American Legion-E. K. Fernadez Flying Circus; The Greatest Show To Come To Hilo Now In Full Swing [ARTICLE]

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American Legion-E. K. Fernadez Flying Circus; The Greatest Show To Come To Hilo Now In Full Swing

Ttie AmeHoan Legiou, Hilo Post No. 3 i?; iiuleeel j»rouJ lo prt*senl to tij<' i»wblio for their entertainment, the Flying Cire«s, the he.-»t cirt u> ever lo he hrought to Hilo aeeonlin;; to F. I\. Ha\vaii'> sho\v preftiiere. . Mr. Fernau«lez h'as" hrouglit niore performer(! to Ililo thaxi lu- has <lone in a lonp tinie, notwithstanding the effort tl«al j luul to he ilone <hie to the National Defense preparations en- i tanglen»ent. The lineup hrought to Hilo many of tlie j naine!= in the slu»w hu?iness.

trapeze comedians, Capt. Albert ] I Spiller*s trained sea lions, the ! finest sea lion act in the business, i Beebe's performing bears, an anj imal act that has long been a ! mainland favorite, Ripley's Be- j , lieve It or Not featunng Mr. and j Mrs. Rivers, who handle hquefied jair, Gilbert the Hypnotist andj j many other entortaniments that j I will beckon you to eome to the: ) "sho\v every night.

are tho Stuart Roberts troupe, Headliniiig: the eireus are the ; F!ying Beehees, sensational aerial : oot that has played throughout tke U)iited States and in many ] oountries in Europe. I Another fAture of the cireus that is sure to please all those ' who atteud it is tlie Naito Troupe, j a gronp of Japanese ,balaneed' artists and jugglers. ! Other headliners in the show ]