Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 25, 15 ʻOkakopa 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


THtRO CIRCUIT COURT NOT»CE Estate of John K»t)lamaa Kai-a aflas Jack Keelamau Br. Dec*as«d. P. 705. Pi&al Account of . H. Beer# Ad«a!niatrator, aud Petltk>n for ai- : lowanee of saiae, d«termisatjos ef heira estiUed to the «sUte of tbe l deceased. determlnatlor! of tmat I and dlstrltQtlos of eatate I bsea filed, all per»oas tater«rtsd ! »re notifled that JUturd*v October I »th. 1»»1, at 10 A H , b»for» th* I f*re«ldinir tn Prohate. to bi« f f*fwrtroow 1« Kafh<m Tl»waSt. t» ' srrointe«! tfc<* tim* aafl ptae* for 1 h«iHßg said Petltkvn an4l s r»ated, Ksilu&. Haw%!i, S»ptf.nber s T*th, 1«4!. Bt the Conrt. ' > Ttor \ W»l! \ T»eptitf Clert j Sept- S<- Oct I, «. IS-1541.