Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 25, 15 ʻOkakopa 1941 — Xmas Seals Arrive Campaign To Start In Near Future [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Xmas Seals Arrive Campaign To Start In Near Future

\ Tt* Bi« Mt<xfcy \t* j toii«Uueat Qt j>o«ere aed jfi« card« cU«tribßt«d e*trs fn*a ' head*uarurs for tlie Cstrisujm» .Seal iu tbe drive «g*lQ*t tabercB [ * I Tbis «uall Chrlstmas Seai whi<&, |it bas b**en «Hid, is as i»a3fuiflcant jtt« n furuishes tbe so««as jto i-»rrv ou educatiotial worfe |ajniiusi tul»ercriiosis in all parts of j the Uuit«i aud ia its terri- | tories. j Uocuniittee headquarters wlll lie |tiie mem uf intens*e activity frouv j ikiw mwil November l3tii when th*i |sale <>pens, Chairmau <'hauitve-rHn \ BRHi« j i Ik» S«al UtU y*»ar |« i>n n»ior Hnd he &dd«Ki t and tataouid t>e atuch «K»usht »ftfr »» s jreal Ctari»tmaK decoratiou. i "For BK»re than a quarter oi s teeeturv ti»ese Seais have beiped jo»t the de«tb rate froa« tufoer<>ul<* |sis .>{ead!iv and anfftlteri»gly ( " Mr. i chaiHiterUn said. 'Tlwre is stUl i iutK lt wwrk to Ih; daue { b<twcver,"