Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 25, 15 October 1941 — County Fair Opens Tomorrow [ARTICLE]

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County Fair Opens Tomorrow

l The Bth. annuai Hawaii" County ] Fair ia ache<iuled to get u»derway next Thursday for a three | day showing, October 16, 17, and | Due to the untiring efforts of j the Pair committee ttie fair this j year will contain so many in- I teresting features that the Hilo ! i High gymnasium and Cafeteria! and Hilo Intermediate Auditorium : and gymnasium will be needed to I care for the entlre fair display. ] Piays will be held twice daily { form Thur»day to Saturday at; 3 p.m. niaUnee and 7:30 even- j ings at the Hilo High auditorium, !

whieh includes "Ch«rry B!ossoīt. | FeBtival" on Thursday, "Th« Soul ] Doctor" and "The Perfect Gentleman'* on Friday and on Saturday "A M&niia Night in Hawaii." £xhibits wili be unusually large Uus year whieh will feature: Agrottomy, Flor&i, Home economScs, | Ckanmepcial, National D e fen a e, | Photography, Poultry, Plantation i and Hawaiian Art*. [ \sltl also be heW !at the falr. "

H!stork- relicB of Hawiilan monarehy daTO, loaneē to the Hawaiian Clvic club by the John T. Baker «»state through Adam Baker of Hilo. will be among the highlights of te Hawaiiaa &rts e*hibit of the Hawail cDunty falr, October 16-17-18, at Hilo Hlgh and Tnterme<3sate schools. This setticfn of the fair will be housed Ih the Hilo IntermWßate «ehool widttorlum. Al*other new feature of thfe Mctioo will b<#the lauhala arti<jfcM made by the PatienU and expaU«ita of PuuniaHe Bome thr<.nigh its occupational therapv department. Other non-oompetitive exhibits will include feather leis, paper leia. shell leis, kukui leis, flower leis. stone implenients, calabashes, holokus, tapa, olt»na fish nets, she3ls and woodwork. Among the rell<a from the Baker estate will be a umforni belonglngr to the late King Kalakaua. The only competiUve exhibits will be the quilte, whieh wiH be divided mto Hawaiian qullts arsd uiodern Kaw&iian quilts. The»e wiil be judged on neatness snd workmansh:p, and they must be done enurely by han<L AH exiiibits must be in plaee b .v 9 p. nv. October 15 and iau»t be nemoved from the fcui;din£ aot 3ater than 9 a, ni. Oclober 19. The gTand pnte for the best quilt wiil i>e $3, and *S. $2 and $1 cash «wards wi:i bf £iv c n in o*ch clras>. Earne«t rVn\andei xs chairaian the Hawailan art ®ection» «Jsted bv C3xaries Aulo. Ciuiord CSiarles sftirray, Jo3iaswr Kahlh, C3ement HaunsU, H<uu!y ¥telesi, J*eter Geotg« from the HawaiUo Oiylc cteb. aind Mrs Diar.& Pcr Hts. ®ra Peters &s,* Akana. ftv>ai tfce Ra**u*a Oina" eiuh.