Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 25, 15 ʻOkakopa 1941 — 3 Japanese Liners Start Sail oct. 15 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
3 Japanese Liners Start Sail oct. 15
) TOKYO — British and AnieH- ' oan enibassios and the Canadian | I legntion were privateiv advising; I their nationais the a<lvant ige of < lakine the Japanes<' ovae.>ation' liaers. , : j | The Nitta Mani wil> sail Octo-! I ber 20 for Vaneouver and Seattle; I the Taiyo Maru Oetober 22 for, ! Honolulu and the Tatsuta Maru j | October 15 fōr Uie coast via Ho- j ( uoiulu. : j I The Hoiehi, referring to the • I British-Ameriean oil em b a rg o, ' asked, "VVhy hasn*t Uie govern;ment adopted a counter-aetiouT : We know wars ea«not be won by i boasting: or a mere j>lay \ipov\ ]
i wonis. Now what do vou say tc tliat, Premier Konoye 7" The paper said a Russi"an defeal U'ili assume "v.'orldu";tio importance" because the United States and Britain will be preoccupiec wiUi a new batUe of the Atlantic The Niehi Niehi shiU, "soviet re versca in European Russia no\n are destined to have a far-reach ing shock upon sovU-t Far "Easterr forces . . . Japan imist take definite eategorieal measnres for dis posal of the Qiina inoident,"