Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 24, 8 ʻOkakopa 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
TBntD CIKCI IT (X)I BT BSTAT£ OF THOMAS OURBETT fffflTE, —j FU<si 4 i>uiiK)>rUrm; U W Ui« Liuel WiU «ihl Te»U- 4 m<t»l 4i\4 Oo4icU of U« abo\T ; iuuucd T«»U.lot, logrUicr *ilh *, peliUou lor prob & t e, Uvcrco4[ *a4 i»aur&ncc o£ LeUens TosUoucii.Ur4' to A. t S&Utr4*j, Octotxr *ith, i*4l* |»t 10 A, M. 1%«, ,PrMĀdui( m Ptvb<U< ln Km lcourU\xM«H at NVrlh, Kc~ I afc, HawAil, U *|*{>afated th« tu»« |«IKS fo; pi\>rin£ «tu<i WUI 1 Aiw! OoeKeil h««xin£ iU \\m lnt«WNstcd. ! I*tfed »t K«iW Xv>rUi ; HiWnkiL IhU 29th tkk> oi a. ix mi. »r THE COtRT i (%1) lta]F A %tU I mpii |mm» ini