Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 23, 1 October 1941 — Prize Novelist Here [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Prize Novelist Here


! Enr!qos Gil, Eea»dor!an autHor of; i M Nu»tro Pwi" (Owr D*lly Br»»d). , pri*e-wiaam« nov«l in « ' conduct«<J hs New Y<ttkp ut>liak<ga,. i arriws In N«w Tort He la one ox. ( foar vrinticrß ia t3w eontest i«, ; L«tin-Aoi«Hk*n »uthon.

Costurae Too eu'nke 1 " 801 "® Natives say that the Its long, ful!-f1owing "sktrt,*" tiglitly corsetted \vaist, velvet head dre3s ?ind two long braids down the ba,ek, i< toū eumbersorm> for natlve wear. anee now 1s confuK<l oWe?fy to" holidays. tcelanders are ]na\ily taxed working. between r>r.e- and two ' months of eaeh year for the gov- ' ernment. Wartime has brought some ra-, tioning, pxincipally sngar and coffee. The sugar quota, however, is znore than ample for most families and it is only over the

%*oWeG, **of are particularly fond, there ia ariy grurnt>Tfng. r "" ~ " State medicine !s practised in, Iceland and eaeh Icelander ,i$, reqt«red"by law to a mbntlvl. >%t°L W JVfeU-,tu-dy, do £<4 eome, uader the unlej3s they axu t« t <t°]j»W5. raj;e., Qi&gfyose, . &&y must pay thg,pliysiciaa a fee* Iu, pay the normal *tax. Iceland ,has an exceilea.t educational sytsem ha« a atate university in whieh some 300 atu4 dents are enxoll^d.