Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 23, 1 October 1941 — Historic Spot Offers Ideal Iceland Base [ARTICLE]
Historic Spot Offers Ideal Iceland Base
RE*KJAVIK, Iceland, v | Thingveilir, Iceland's "Valley i Forge" and site of the country's ' largest lake, eventually may be- j eome a seaplane base for Ameri- I ean and British forces of oeeupation. The lake, in the midst of bleak lava fields, treeless, snow-capped mountains and rushing rives, never freezes and is one of the few bodies of water in ĪQeland suitable to year-'round use by seaplanes. The lake has been hallowed ground to Icelanders since the 10th century. There the early chiefs met to pass their laws, judgc offender-s and have their jousts and sometimes blo o d y duels. Nearby is the deep pool where sentences of capital punishment were carrieoc out agalnst criminals, and Mnfaithful Wlves and malfornMg|b abi e s were drowned. There also, in the year 1000 Icelanders voted to accept Christiaiiiity. From the early chiefs who met