Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 22, 24 Kepakemapa 1941 — County Fair Entry List [ARTICLE]
County Fair Entry List
, , , Tiī(» PlKhih annunl Hawali Ooun- ] 14' Jr, wiil heia at UUo 4 laigh aud I«lo Inter*Dediate schoois i »n October 16-17-18, ls eipected to draw a large number of entries. €Jiyde K. Crawford, chftlrmau, is aaaisted by Dr. M. G. Rlce, Harvey Voilrath and Sau Hoy Wong on the ▼egetable cotnmlttee and James Co waa, T. Manekl aad 8. Kadota on the fruit commlttee. The vegetable eeelion will be divided into two claases, coanDaerciai AVtā homegrown. The homegrown I elft«s will be open to nny person I who grows vf>getables at home for home conB«mptioH only. All other! e*hiWis wlil be c!a»?ed as commer-i elal. A» e*hibitH mußt be on Oie 8oor!
of fair »ot l«ter than 8 a.m. Thur9day, 10. Eaeh exhi b!t iau»t h«vp nttarhed to it an Mwtia<«tlon rar<3 bat no other markß. Caris» mhy be obta!n«l from tlie agrou4MHy committee at the fair groonde. seoond an<l third awards ] wffl he made ln eaeh dass present 4»g wortby ea3>fWt«. Aw«rds wlll iiot be made in any clrss in whlih «»xhlbits, īn the opinion oi the judtses, are unsati#factory. Xo awanl* wlll he made in any group wlth ie«s than thr©e entries uaU*S5 olherwi:M? |»S>edfied by the judges. Cash prixes wlll be 75 cents for Srst prixe, ! 50 wu? for -«econd and 25 t*ents in defense stawps for third. t*rize* ,wlll be paid to eihlbitors at the 'i-onclusion of the jndging. j Ib *warding #rige& the jutiges .wlll l>e governed largelj bj pēYfec~tion of entrieft, fr§fdv>ni Jt<ya iu\««vt and diBea#« ii^ue,}. f in iv.lor and si?e 4 an<s i'fau!\esi au-J .*UoitJtiyeiie9«, The dtfcMott of LUe, iiud£<» wiU be āufti, i mu*t fiot V»e n»moved i «4ttvuoiu> »ectio« befojre |the fWr eloses &t 10 p,m„ Satard{ij.] .(>otober 18. vsithout the oonjient of |tlie offici*l lo etausge. Exhibits' must be reniove(3 before ? a.ai. SunOctoi»er 18, After Uus hour, peaudniag vegetables wlīl be dispo&- ( Pil of at the diseretion of faīr oommittee e\vn tlij>agh marlred "to be return<sl" The esecutb. 4 jmitt<»e w-m ts\Ve reas<*nubīe ( ppeoaution ti> H\er(. loss cr d&mH£e to nny »nhlbil bul *nlt jk4 K 1 hetd , resj t >on.«;ll l ilo for ai\j Io&t- t»r dhuta£e iwhile at iho fair, A, wir s bo ĪH-forv Iho ajjrv
donāy t>uNding on 19. BpecLal arrangements have b?en ] niade in Bevt>ra] seotfonfl of !s3-1 ««4 £qv U»e tranwurtati»ii «>r eshlttt> of «uan growerls to tlie falr.| For iuforinatlon exhil>itorit are ask-1 «d io write to Uw. agroi!((U)j euai | Luitt««, postoffi(*« box H2H, īlile 1 Veo«tab!c U*t J i Th« T**etable entry list. com-| f-roerda! ac<l homegrflwn, !s as fnl- ] |tows: asparagns, 12 stalfcs: l-tamb«v> , ehoots (any varlety) 3 shoots:' jrreen bean, % pound: yellow was ' bean. 1 pound: lima hean (pole In pod) 1 poand; lima bean (pole Bfaetled) % poand; lima bean (bush Bfaelled) 1.4 pound; % j pound; othcr beans, *4 poand: <beets, 3 j>ounds: brocro2i, 3 heads.;' jh««d cabbage (Maiion) 2 heads; Ihead cabbage (CoiM»nha|rpn) 2 heaAa: bead rahbnjrf> (o?t»?rsj 2 jheads: ehlnew eahhaee. 2 heads;
jhalf lf»n« h<>iads; ahort rar ? ir«ts. fl he«ds; <-aultfi<iw<>r, 2 hesd«, |rtaaril. 6 r)jaynip, 2 Rta}ks: ? jceit»ry. 3 MAJfes; sweet Cf>rn (an>j**rletj > H ears; <lry cora iany va-j |rietT) 3 ears ; cacumher, 3 <>ftrs, Ja , jpanes? dalkf>n, s f>arf=; Hi!ne«* <JaJou. 3 esrs: lonir <»«splflnr, 3 ears;, (round ; enfisvt\ £ je*rß; f«kt 1 }j«Bch; | jlīinspr (mai»r<Hs 2 ;, | glnj?er (young 2 ; s<* ; |bo (burdock) 2 rof»t> ; borsera«lish, | ]a rootf; k«le, 2 pJant « ; kohlrabi. " piants. ; !>*s;. 3 pi«nts: Wtar«», S; plants: h<*ad tetfu<M». 3 pl«nts t ?u«ia, j 1 hanrt»: mSnt. 1 hanctt : Wtt#>r n«*l- j lo»; 2 honeh*»*. okra. 1 p<>un«T; hiiHi; onion. 5 poon<!s: hnnchWJ er' «nkm. 1 pom»rt: parsl«»?. 3 stallis;' paratfj>, $ «arks: tyw! j*r«. ' % ponn<l. īwll ī*pi*r. 3: tvd r»ep \ tpw. 3: KB*r*Han |v»tin<ī:' f*®« IHPh fwvt«to. 5: *rMt* Īrl*fc p» ' tt*to. S; TAn<iW JvMgto. sf; mml ! |«wi*t pot*to. 4: J*p*n*** putut»lln. ] 111 1 rtmb*rt\ «' istatfe*; 1 5VH»nd ; iotniwr j |*qi»Rt». #. Ttaīlan 4; <?!feer! **iwwto. 4: taro. I: H& ; |wathiTi taro, 2: tan\ 2:1 *tmr?!e tomsTo, 4: aniall toniato in ; : ;mrntī». 5: 2 hunelw*;; ,3mm, 2 w«s: hask»>t or t«!an<} 1 ttahtt«. f Cnte» For *tark»ttna | TpjwtahJes In ?tsm3ard ; t«i»tcd rwMtj? ft*r marfceHr:c:
ptls«* $2.50 *nA <*bbage, |\rtsw»*, rī a»«! S£. j llMB< lf*nK», prljw* $2-50 :uvt? J f«nKivd Wfrt»N« ia s*andAr*l lae| |t»r>x*« wnly fw mBrk<>Un£, ffrwn | )««», pttMHk f2LBO «n4 $1.50; cu-j iwemHe» SA 50:' '«TO!Wf V> nri *J rr!Sr< an<1 1 I « FnfK Li« j 4 t?v< surn
mVr nV<WSo, !T; 2; apple, 3: apj>k\ 3; vl Bi> ple, 3; rose apple. 3: st«r api»te. S ; Bluefip!d hanana. 1 hunrh; Braellian hanana, 1 bunrh; Chli)«Be banana, 1 t>anA; t>āhati&, j huneh; other hanaua, 1 t>auch; hron<lfr«ll, 2; r«ram!w>la t ;ll: S«rjn«m chprrU*s. 15: Ttrfisslīhs rlifr|rlt j s 12; eheriim>}*a. 3; %s, 3; dark figN 3; O.Uon gec>,<«4>enT I 6: (Bny var!*»tj) II huoeh: whit* gußvap, S; straw- ' i*»rrv i*d frunraf=. 4: yellow fruava«, 14: giant Grana<!īHs. J: Htd*L 1
honeh : lotjuat, 1 bOß<rti: mabo!<<, 3 ; Hawalian f»edliīig m 3; oth#"manst>. 2: mnlherry. 12; nsask r«*lon. 2: wat€-rroPlori 1 ; !arg<» papa!ya. 1: ooiu!»«n sma!! pftj>ays 2- ?<.- par*a\a. ?; pwn>U» passlon fntis. : >-el?rtw j»agß!rtß fro!t. ,S ; nswsii 'an iwa«'h. 3; ofher |wadi. 3: !*»ar Can> TSrt#>!y}. 3; pepiuo, " I N«ft I l'tJiO«l, jdllOi <:iSJ> V 1 pi; |Minu>£ratiMf4% 3. i«»3uī. 12; fcmr 3; mn'4'el w>p, 3. Kira»i>errl*"», j 12; *a|KHliUa, -'i ; ta£UJtrlad- " , a «f .oUi*r frulu a. {«£ij t« jrū»c>) :s, 11« 3 4 IsBt* v" ( litoviiuj44ti . Kurt'lvH ,k'umu, lvMi*a (aus \*rw\i) Ik'an» mh'Ull'»* .»r 'iaw. HUH-, rin«% ,a; Waw. , 3u»** ianir ie," varwHj) -1. ('hiiieM- 'rar,gv, " , s*tHĪsUs>r <ir>'j.ng. ;>, aa*es ,oran#:e, 3; Va!onois 3 ; Man iehuin <%rang«> (P»incy T»njpMlnes !?; otīi«»r !siij:»tīīh\ ™ : p«tr>e!o i»r 1 Nut Li«t | r.«»shfW., rrait w!fh nu?. *: H* |«;u:s !i 1; mn-H'īh ffis<"s.-īa nils, 1-. Fi>4 siKv. ai«f 1o!!u*r na?, ""O. |rruH. . {■*!.•<! fr«!J