Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 22, 24 September 1941 — Jack Mounts As Active Chairman Defense Savings [ARTICLE]
Jack Mounts As Active Chairman Defense Savings
"i ! Jack Mo«jiLs, Mana,g- ( er of Uie Eialiop National |in W&iluku, was n&med todfty | Active eu&u-m&n of Uie Def«aae i Savingji Comoiitte« for th« Val- f [ ley Island, to act in &n advisory. iaiid SUmps, Fred H, Kaiu\eJ i capac»ty io advance the s«le of j KalKuiai Defcms€ s&vUigs Boudsi Oollcctor of Xntern&l Revenue widj Tcn-itoiial AdniU\istrator ol thc| Dci'c4isc Savings Sta£f. I Ai, s. Spei«or. Chairmai\ and, ExccuUvc Officer oX Uie Maui! supcrs'isora, 2ias conseated to «Lct! as Hoaorary ehakmnn, Aiiuiiūa- ] trator Kanne sald, adding tbat| the other n\eiiiber3 of ihe M&ui! committee aivd tke ,groupa that! they repreaent &re ; ! Piameial InstltuUogas— WiUL&iu! H. BalUiis, Majjagxr. Bank o£| Ih-.waii, M&ui- , Busiulss A1 fr e d M&rtinsea,! Manager, H&leak&la Motors, W&i-, Uiku, Maui; . i Bov Seouts, Girl Sojuts -H&r- 4 old Stcio» Scout Wai- } Mavu; , . i r i \ i e Williaiw' CiarK, L>irectef, Ci\il Wailuku, Xaui, # r • Josqgli Alve&, } r<ist!ussU>r, \\jaUuku. Maui;
| A|rrlmmipp—W. KlīeK' iwana#*!-, W&īluku S\»gi»r Com-" ifMniy. WaHuku, M&u?; ! 1 sltnire C1 wb »-Cl īnt n n S/ I CMMa. Atexand*r C\>ra-' Itmmlty Awor!*t!o'n W*UllkvL* ' '4 i ®hfwnmtJoTj or ThiMsotty Mrs ] i JO*b*r T. Ml«w, Nws TM\or, ® Nwj, Walluku, Mnul; j i Othf>r* T>r Tfompr Inimi. Wait «JK«, Ktrt*. Mkul. f * CmfiwlttM rpi?n to repf<eseht ff;»btv!\ Wbmw, sm<? ' f»rya.n!i»i!ons wil? be eho®l'Mi »n the noar future, AdminisKanne «iM, < nrs«nīs»t!'On its«t!r| of prot>alJl> wiu be llwW <!ur!np i'he īwg*nntng 4 ptt>Tr!bfr 15, *nd will bc att?n<3- '«! by T>pp\ity Adm!n!Bt.pator John < SWN. who t*i!l gx> fmm 'l» to «rtsst īn ar.3 {ot>wr