Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 22, 24 September 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
THiRD CIRCUIT COURT NOTJC6 Estatf of John Keolan fllJ Ksf» «U«« j?ck Kt«s*«iau S> r*c<-e,i»*d. p, m. Fiu«l Aeeomu of >1 n«,i<, iU\s? I\ < O J lo*a»iiv of •' »■" -1 i!uv (><" heirs «>nt!(UHl 'o t!v of tho Irtic>rtr.m&t!pn oT "rnst «m1 <H«Mril»ution or o a?{ no<ifi«*d ihai San;3<s.<} t s -r!o}Vi" 2&tU. !!>■»: al 10 \ M. h>toīo Uu' |IHIgV p!t-iii<lillft >!1 r<oKs! ;il !;;s ( Coutlrppm 1« Kailna V.*» a>s. is m»poil>t«»d Ihui l sv.<l i 'a, « f(>, ta*rta& faut r.,"tstioo *w-\ V-. ouuUn Kaihia. .s;> S ( ; U'.\tn i 1941 | By CmjrS, (Sr<l > Ro\ ,\ WaU $*p< H Oct. V *. 'M?»!