Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 22, 24 Kepakemapa 1941 — Waiakea Theatre [ARTICLE]
Waiakea Theatre
wed. Sept. 24 gSTAND \.'V AND FIGIIT, M.O.M. with W alh e I ny, Robor{ Tny lor, Florenoe kiee, Charles Bickford SELECTED SHORTS Thur, - Fri., Sept. 25 - 26 THE FIGHTING GRINGO, R.K.O. with George o'Brie», Lupita Tovar MOTOR MADNESS, 20th Fox, with Allan Brook, Rosalind Keith Sat., S«ot. 27 INTERN \TION VI. SETTLEMEN*T, 20th Fox wiih Dolo.res del Rio. and G«oigo S lihUm-k, Ruth Torry SELECTEI> SHORTS Sun. - Mon./ Sept. 28 - 29 THE SINGING HILLS, Rep. with Gene- Autry, Smilpy TsTirnettf, Mary Lee THE SAINT STRĪKES BACK, R.K.O. with George Sandcrs. Weridy Barrie DR. SATAN No. 5 (ou Sunday Only) ] Tue - Wed., Sept. 30 - Oct, 1 | FOUR GIRI*S IN \VHITH, with Florence Rh'o, Vi\a Meikol. Ann Rutliorford, Mary iioward. j Kent Taylor j SPEED TO IM'KN. 20th Fox wiUi| Miehaol Whalen, Lynn Bani J