Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 21, 17 September 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO Today only "A VERY YOUNG LADY" wiUi Jane Withers and Nancy iyToniorrow, Fritlay and Saturoaiy "THE B"RĪDE CAME C. O. D." with James Cāgney and Betty Davis. Sunday and Monday "BILLY THE KID" with Robert Tpylor and Brian Donlev>'. Tuesday only j "MAN HUNT" with Walter Pid-! geon and Joan Bennett. 1 PALACE T»day, last times • BUCK PRIVATES" with Abbott and Costello and the Andrew Sisters. Tomorrow only "TKE GANG'S ALL HERE" with Frankie Dai"ro and Jackle Moran. "THE BRIDE WORE CRUTCHES" with Lynn Roberts and Ted North. Friday and Saturday maiinee "NANG MAHAWI ANG ULAP" with Lota Delgad°Saturday evenlng only "TETSU NO ATJYO" with Kosugi leamu ānd Kazami Akiko. Sunday and Monday •KING OF THE ZOMBIES" with Dick Purcell and Joan Woodbury. •CYCLONE ON HORSĒBACK" with Tim Holt and Marjorie Reynolds. Ttiesday only "THE SON 0F MONTE CRISTO" wilh Louis Hayward and Joan Bennott.