Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 20, 10 September 1941 — Stage Programs Throughout 3 Nights at Fair [ARTICLE]

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Stage Programs Throughout 3 Nights at Fair

! Sotactluug muv iu ttie w:iy o!" en-J *ten«imncm ;il liio umiuai llawaii I ' County fuir *-is (KtoV»cr 1(V ]T-1S at j 'llilo i an(i llil«> liUerniediute j | s<-hooiS, wlll lu* llu> sitag« put <>u l<i ihe varioiis l aeial gr«'Ups J |in Ililo. whli-'i wiil lie l)ivseitled | ihnnigliout thc liii.H' o,t lUe j i r «ir> { | On iUkI". ' H lohei" lt>,.' !a JapuiK'H! wiii 1« held»j ]whilo ou tlic sccoud uiiiht the Cau- ( j casiau will l>e iu charge. aml ou Uie ihiid the FiUpino, iijroup. Aii oi the prostmms will be, jheld ai ilie lliio school audii toriuiu. Proo«eds will l>e divided i«iualiy Uie Uuited Service, Oriraiiiyjttion. (ho couuty fnir, «iul liie .ur«mp whh-h is puning on the \ sh<»w. i Ai h ireiw>ral of the fair eoiumiiw Tue>-<l,i.v aflernooii at ilu' Hilo ChaiulM>r of Conunerce roonts. Oriundo ii. Lymat». chalrnian oi t!ic iH)umiitt<H> and dlrector 01' Hio i;>4l fair, outlin»vl thc plaus i\v!urVi aro hoing made for the fair. j Otvh «nd mwchandlse prhtes» as |\voH rs tlofensc savivii;s stamps, «rc sSven at the fasr this yoar, an»l instead of tho usual ribbons, eoloml slickers will he used. Mrs, Myrtle Whitnuvn. who l»as had rliroo vears of exporlenee at tho iMaul tVnnty fa!r. has appoiiited secretary to Mr, lormau to as--.Kt iu the oomln? TT»vras! fa?r. < Mr. Lvmnn iwlntetl out that thl* year's fair will fe«ture amateur sec-

tions in t!u % ī*hotogr»i\J\y .«eeluni, jv«?cv<»M«> aiul flowierss | Honie gsr<t<Ntin«; will Ih 1 in ■xi\o v«>ppraMv» xjnit. j TakiraU Kooo, oUainuan of CU*>

j>Jsuitt» uml tio\vt>rst, t\»jwrUH] u>;ti Mrs. Merrlll oiirssmiili 'nil' be }?! rtorvo «'f oui ftow«»r> s ; Mrs, Vio;Um Bini Manuel Tavnrt , !s i'.o-N ;hh! hil>istniv; A!o\ Auderson «<Hi Hrs. B. J. ®MeMwww, orcMds; nu V!;\rd T:uial<;i ; ; K. hl«v!u, t!wnrfev! pl«uii*; ,Mrs. Kln t».<*hHiu». jßp»n**st* fto\vot .•»rrsjn«»niwiis, «tnl Y. JUro»ie, \Uv J . V.;iinnan 1 Tfe* Ctvl<j eluK - v>; I?R- Usiu:l4u > vxluV>. f il ai fiio ty.tr» , usi Kruoii iia vUitkmau «•! JlvA 001.U4H v iHi\o SOv~ «'u īii IKiuaI t3,u <julUs «ill bc - ■ u-«i >o ;«i? w arous< uh>;v iniei' , ,CH *UiOiig Une I , -U % \ hdi &£&iu IM&SJ , oi ihe *»ouUii s<v i. 'ii, wiiioh w\l\ bo lioukn! lū , I<m;U kekooi $nr*«y *Wvi * ji»K *rt*. %ec)ia cwtv««lcs | . - e.'.ii A«\>»MiUvSUb: f ;i '«wikw *I«s'h > v K % \t f , i»Mz««r (Mhl taK.fpt OHMI !ft fc»W», x |>'.juHAUon U IK4l\£, , i *... !.<h! K\ WiliiA'.n Wim&Alu! k rs,;U= tl'.s 4 V ;U'.o &|\«i 5 «v«,io» , .t«wot«>4 to Iho «ST? ot aih\ wlio wtn tln4 t ■ v ; ~iisS i mv of ? ■, - ~f. flt''«N Att|i|t| r īl.WMin* «. .' *« <-4as-ffl<sl§. , I' iV.U.Mj*,n- 1 , W .r f 'W-.'tl« V, r*yOftO\l jtUt M *t*r nwe* IV '" tw t» \w.<m \v. ?h«r !|u\* l\} tW »o** l i *hUH w <\Wv»ic«s

jalt>Dg with the loeal euUie& i Tsuuiilva Maueki, James Cowau j a»d siinxuto J\aduta will l>e iu lcharjre of the fruit divlsion, while jiiai'Yuy Voiiruih, £»au llau Woug land L>r. MiUou Rice will arrange iine vee-t>table scvti»'iv. !No»-cc«»ipet 51i vo exiiibits will hei oa vi«w iu the naUonal defeuse sec-1 thai, a new fealure of the fair,j i whi«'h being heHded by Rex Wills,, jjmst <le|Mtrtn)ent coiumander uf the ; j Aii»er4can L*gion. lie is beloig asl»y 11 M. 14nd«ay, Ihe USO; ) Alr?v K, M. Hed Cros.s aud iiiritiiih ltellef; Kny Chang, Uefeuse |!favmps statftps; Jamea Cowaa, i Warkout ; i>>i. v. S, Rurtou, aruiy ; | ianae» Keaioha, transportatlon; JtSttbert l»atten, demoUtiwi aud £as; *,T. J. Davis, eonununieaUon; l>r, |Thomas Keay, medlcal corps.

j In the naiionul defense s*Krtioa ] i.defeiitse «avings staaips will l»e «old! jhy Mr. \Vilis aud feis eomiuiUee. | -j Mgeons wiil be liberate«l froui j ,the fair grounds to carry iaesKiges 1 Hiio to officials ln U.ooolylu.J Some of the judges for the fairl jare cvuui?ig from Houoluiu aiuii |their names wiii he annuuno&d la-,1 jter. | i*resom at the uieeUug wcit ; Or» ] | iaiuio i*yitiau. tfirector; Kobert S.!

Moir, executive secreU»ry of ihe i ehamlH'i- ; l'akuuu Kuuo. Eruest ] i Ciifford Uowiuau. WU-i iiani Whiuuan. Uardy llutchisisou j Jr., V, Utro»e. llarvcy YoUtaUt,jj Hex Wills, Cou4iuest. Mrs, iicr ] riii Cart»Biith. Tsutulka MauekU i iir.% iljrtie WMuuan. secretar>,| j«ud Xlrs, XufeiiH» N, VufealKsri. pu-1 jWkity. 1