Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 20, 10 September 1941 — Naalehu Theatre [ARTICLE]

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Naalehu Theatre

Thur.-Frl„ Sept. 11-12 ] "IN OLD CHEYENNE" wit h , Roy Rogers, Georg«? Hayes. "THAT GANG OF MINE with j The East Sjde Kids. j

PJaming Frontiers, Chapter S SaturGay, Sept. 1S •THE GREAT HOSPITAL, MYSTERY" with Salsy Blane, Robert Kent. "DR, BULL" with the l*te Will Rog«rs. Sept 11 IF I WERK KING V,nth EonaW Oolman, Fra»c<?s I>ee, Īiw.-Wei., Soi»t. 16-n "TOO HOT TO H.\NDLE with Clark Gable, Mo'r»a Loy. Walt«r Pidgeon. Mysterions !Dr. Satan. Chapter 3.