Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 19, 3 September 1941 — Horner Back In Same Post For 1942 Term [ARTICLE]
Horner Back In Same Post For 1942 Term
Kug«ne Homer, who will rea<:h the reiirement ago next January wiU serve as supervlsing pilneipal of East Hawaii aehoola for am>ther term at the request of the schooi comrnissioners, it was announeeeL The action of the commissionors quieted speculatiun over appointment of a new supprvislng principal to suococd Horner. Last minnte changr-s also are expeeted in \arious school staffs, and these wil! be announced before school starts, it was indīeated, Puhlie schools thrnugliout t?'.<*Territory will reop*m for the n«'W «rm on Tucsday, September 2, with an on!y «sxceptfon b<:ng cert: in schoo!s in Kona whi< h are prescr,tly cnjoyjng * 4 cbff« v" lc rr..r a«d I.; %• '< wliū-ii u: t , k vacations and v«i3l not rer.p«L-!. untiJ sometime in November. Th»s y >ar 'A'i :1 mark the offic:al oi>eninj: of Un> new Hawaii Vocan>nai sehool, of whieh Eue <- Jordan, formerly of Honoluu. is the 4>rincipal. The schr>o! wīī) occupy spa
at the Hilo higli sc.hooi unlil its fwn bnildjT;g is constructed at Hceds bay, on whleh worT< haa aiready startod. Jt is expecUū the work wouJd "lalte some months. President Manuel Ij. Quezon approved an &dditionai bond issue of P1,600,000 for tlie reconstrction of Tondo in a confercnce wiih mem.be rs of the munieipal bt>ard earJy th>s week.