Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 19, 3 Kepakemapa 1941 — Latin America Applies Crimp Against Nazis [ARTICLE]
Latin America Applies Crimp Against Nazis
j Latin American governm< ut ofT: l clals api>ear to taWns an ineeoa.e- -] ingly Rerious v4«>w of totaU(i(vuii\ j aotivUi<>s i« thoir hih! i, | e<?nt ovouts !ndioatp tlu>so j mont* atv oqual to tho iask oi n i dopih*K st<>rn to j d»mocratlc iriS.titutions. 5n iho ( em Heniispherc. I As h result of dav*>loi>nient-: in' » TO»re Ihan one co«ntry. (liiOom.-i' u 1 I r*ls»tlon* with Gormany hav.> i » turn tovcard det*>rioratlon. » ' I ri«lly in M«?xieo and Arsontins ' | SifoufE and d*finito wv» . | set afoot in Mt>xico Citv a»u \x) i liiiea.l loadors >\hich uif£)u toiu < i < ' aMy load *o lbo ot Uv ' i h**ad« ot tW o*>nnan d(;-loinat:< tt\issions thotv f5BW!> \ i-»,' Tliorm:>nn o« % )man i-> Arsvfttl*»«, and n*h*« ¥*ivthovr R(; ■* \-oti Cotl»?nt)«>rg, tJornwn Movio<i. rco< tvt>d sh;irp r» ? h>;rf< f'x»> the Areent?«u> and Movicnn 'ou-sc-rv>s?>f>o!ivo!v
Argentina Stands Firm ] > (Vi T?\oyīr!nnnV nvo(. >t -thp seizuro of thm' dirloma(ic' . » ... (V.-J o *u \,_, ;a. 1,, 1 ouiei- of an Argt>nt(īHL' consiv^kni.l a! muimiHoe !nvcsiisjrt<īn;; rvonnitly by Forvi£n Mh)!slcr En-j «ui»* 1 Kui* Guit.nieq. Thc i>oucho.s. < onuiueU. nmoiiK Olhvi iinns. ivu ts 1 ui h iww«erful siwrl wave radio] set, of eommu- ( meaimK \vith EmxH»e. Ruiz Guinaim j (old ih* Ka*i <Uplo!p{ that (lit? Ha- ( tomontiou forl«ids use qr a ■ iadio st«<iou l»y » bvlli£<r-nit *;ov-: emme»ut ob n«'ulial t?oil, itu<l ;n- ] H nivUnl him to dt»st rov th<> 01 i >hil> il out oi llio «M?untQ\ | Vo» ThiMiuauu's nivB\\cr to <tioj minis(or's usto was & uuhK; onv asktni Ohe o{ti, r- to" »td him ia obt«inli\|ī to! - tU -r thr trr»>s«iinrr tr> ■' o" t.\Tl H;vl;an U luu» air|>l«fie. | , liiio ; Q<ii. s raaillsu raW>4Ht vou OolV« l *;« '* knucKk»s th<' la(Um ji«4, \miH<B a »ote \*jsmiius, Mc>jit*oJ :--,t>n-t \Uo St*Ks VUw*,U ; oj buxi««>«s &tw», t«4 vtrtwt>\ J M«x!co wtth p<«t rv|»i«ato unl««s it con>b»tt«xi ■■' īi klisl n^pilalion. \ ■?• CV\U'tiberg il*at Mo\lco \iss •■ vif j\rcscrvui£ \ts sov vri£T!ty aiul *>\\n af ', fairx, _ I \ bUv o? MoxkN*ii UU Frc&i<2<mt •;.» OamAoho W\hxl\l bc askod, to ( . '.;H \\hi Oc4kutKr£ |vr*Mv* »on «mta Furtht»r v \n &**s<& i3MUUc4i i<sk<icrs la<iu<lln$ f . Gtuodt, <KvtvUt y *vncr*} ] ll.e |>Att^ 4 ih&l, a» ttunisU s r A.t£vaiuu* «v auuvWt\\l. (