Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 18, 27 ʻAukake 1941 — National Defense Emphasized At Next COunty Fair In October [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

National Defense Emphasized At Next COunty Fair In October

Wiih atroni>" emphasis placed on nalio«al defen&.£* tlie 1941 Hawaii co«nty fair wlll be held Oetoher 16,17 1| :it both m\o high and Hilo Intermodiate \vas announcetl. Orl«nd<> 11. Lynian, lĪSPA repiesentative on the island and ehnimian of the Hilo Chamber of Conirn eomniillee, wil! be tHrector of the fortlicoming fair \vhlcf* will )te iield nndor the rhan»ber ,v -, ——"—

' auspīee-!. | ! A new feature will l.e exhlMts of; 1 na{iona! defe'nse a<tivities by the| !r.S. anny. ītex Wi!l>\ depnrt- ! nient eoniniander of the AnieHean ] ' ī*«r?ori. will lie in eharjre of this : of the e-chiWf. ! Tsie frn!t 'iml seeUon | wil! he Mivsse(ī moro than ever, wUh the enti:*e TT!1o hI;A eynina si«m tnrned o\-i r t<» thiS divisionJ 'Oh-.le F. 0)-a\vford will be ohalr-| ' 'H-an of the aeeilon. ] | Ttu will he gi\en piv-j nti*tet!t dis } .!:•!> 51 j ;he fair, "wHh ■M. Wliiinian ir. ,=harge. Tts exliihitsī wiH hu'luile -. dispTay of far»u iiu-J M'i<Mnent< wh|.l t wUI \ v sho\\n ut' ! rontinued on Page 6 \ ■!he 11 ilo !tit-ermedlate sehiH»l ]

j WiiU lakami Kono ohainuan, 1 notted p!anls, and other { piaots will be put on display iat the Interraediate gyiu. ] | iiawBiiaui arts whīeh proved p*v t>ular ,vear wtn be lioused al Uve Hiio lßtenuediate audityriuw + , wili» Ukj HawaHau 0»\ iv; elul» &gaSn ui . . ,j i wiil Ih? pttHided I v«iiiors \iutiits tUe thr\H« nis.lits of 4 U*e £air ai the lU«> lUmU audiiorioiu. i:A i»r«)graui uow i-s draflMi. | those uieuiiou^, m tUc j (kie iuelu*? Stuui<ij j WiU«uus l Frauk i bov»Ui?i Haryid Lusoaub, aiui w iriuu i Couyue&t, lakiuUO:, uua ClarvuvM am\i |i[otir\xe couiirucUou.