Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 18, 27 ʻAukake 1941 — Big Island Misses Pinchhit For Star In "Island" Movies [ARTICLE]
Big Island Misses Pinchhit For Star In "Island" Movies
Two youti|f Bifr Is1&ik1 miBB*s have en.loye<s the thrSll of movie stars. Miss I>orothj r <Ps£gy> G«raKl, cteu#ihU i r of Mr. artd Mrs Ev B, G*mU Hiio, &!K1 Mt«s Klomw VVisluuti, of Mr. an<3 Mrs. L#«He WlshaM of Ook«l«. «.«v s«l«ct«Kl stßnd-ins rvvr mo\io' star Mis» GrabU\ and thoy, In »hcts tAfr<»n on tho isis\»ul fot r» nw jMotut\-. «Son<r of th# whun i* »mxliwNHl by 20th Cm~' tury Ft«. | Th<? irir»s *p}v-m>l %xith & t\m\ • pau>y of HoUywvx*S »ctors in *«»e8 tal»» »t Kok» at livNk rt Shtfv»n«n s r*noh &t Kt v ;\- «u. Ol*». ! i un« jarew«r \v*s h<M»d of iho produe«o« ere« t&kn*£ th«- hs»vk ' fo» Ihe foj-Uu>Mn W« <.!<**!* !