Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 18, 27 ʻAukake 1941 — HSPA Officials Much Concerned over Sugar Pegging [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HSPA Officials Much Concerned over Sugar Pegging

: | ROXOI.ru 1 HSPA offi-| oiiUs rcgistemi eoneem over the settinir f>r n n>astftuim prtce nf| 3.5D ccnts a pounl on ra\v sug;ar without rontrollinar tlie oost of matcrials and sc-rvioes ent.Gring lnto sugar production. "I don't !v!:o'.v exhctly \vhat wo are going- to do ;ibout it," Philip E. Spalding, pres:dont of C. Brewcr & Co. t Ltd„ said. "Howevcr, it scems absolutely csscr.tiai- -:f thc price of sugar is to be f:xe;l tliat ris:r.g- eosts of pmlueHon be fixod by control over the prices of nintetfats entering i:;to sueh produetion costs" Anothoi" HSPA off:eial said: "Peggtng the pHee of sugar s'aoiild also in-\.lvo the prīee of comniodities enter!ng into pordiiction of sugar, "I think 5.50 would be a fair piree for sugi\r tf eommensurate eontrt->) ptacod on tho eonire.odities that go into pr\>duei:\C su«-ar," Thv enrrent spot mw siigar priee affooting tho Hawaiian outturn :.s 3.50 venfs $ j>ouiid or $76 a short ton. The iH'r ton piree at 3,50 a pound \vould be $70, or a decrease of $6 a short ton.