Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 17, 20 ʻAukake 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO Today, last times "]\ĪODEL WIFE" wiUi' Joan Bloridell art'i Dick Powell, Tomorrovy and Friday 'MR AND MRS. SMITH" with Carole Lombard and Robert Montgomery. / Saturday only ■ XO. NO NANETTE" with Anna Neagle and Riehard Carlson. Sunday and Monday HIT THE ROAD" with Gladys Oeorge and Barton MaeLane. "AFTER MEIN KAMPP-?" a Tuesday only smashing Expos{* of Nazi Terrorism. PALACE Today only THE A l/DRICH FAM]TLY IN LI F E WITH HENRY" with Jaekie Cooper and Lela Ernest. Tomorrow only FOR BEAUTY'S SAKE' ! with Ned Sparks and Marjorie Weaver. CRIMINALS WITHIN" with Erie Linden and Ann Poran. Friday and Saturday matinee *ESTERELLITA" with Corazon Noble. - Saturdaj evening only ' RYOKYOKU ICHIDAI OTOKO" with Hara Kensaku. āUMO NEWS" Sunday aiui Monday MtTTINY 1N THK ARTIC" wlth Richard Arlon and Andy Devine. 'I-AW OF THE RANGE" with Johnny Maek Brown. Tuesday only v "THE THIĒF OF BAGDAD" with Sabu and Conradt Veidt.