Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 16, 13 ʻAukake 1941 — Kona Coffee Record Gains [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Kona Coffee Record Gains

Boost in coffee prices by 50 per | eent has induced Kona co£fee grow-j-ers to take up the industry agaiu,. lit was reported by Y. Barou Goto, i : assistant in the l. I !;i.wrsity of Ha-' Iwaii Agricultural Exlenslon ser 1 I viee. | j Goto sald about si\ nionths iqjo ' because of Ihe poor priees rereived j ;trom coffee tlie «ro\vei'» weie abaujdoning their farms. lmt now d\u- to ■ tthe inereaae in the piiee brougb 1 thru Latln-Amerifun agreemei>,s 1 fthey have received new eueour. t g e - ] ! ment, | j Sfeedlings today wenv , ported ] | aeliing at 3 eents apiee aiul the I demand is in excess i-.f supply.

j Repre*entir.g «n «ncreate of 9.4 j P«r eeiu oy «r June 30 of the pr®j v;ou« year ? the A*Umated popula--1 tio« o( H»w»U *t the «nd of June, j 1941, 456,924, accordin a to | annua) report ot the board j healUi whieh was submitted to