Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 16, 13 August 1941 — Youth Burned Self, Died 22 Hours After [ARTICLE]

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Youth Burned Self, Died 22 Hours After

HONOLULU, Aug, 8 — DanieJ Kahawaii, 18, angry because his moth«r reprimAnded him for tlrinking, made a human torch of himesif by pourlng a gallon of k«?rosene oil over hie «lolhinī: aml sottingr it aßre. Re die<3 in tlie Bw*a hospita lat 9:10 p.m. yest<rday, 22 hours after his spectacular but fool hardj- demonstration. Mrs. Anna Kahaw&li, Lualualei, to!d the poliee that her son eame home under the inEluenee of i«quor at Jl:30 p. m. Wednesday She admomalied him not to disturh the neighbors by "making i too mueii noise." Shortly after\vards T>&mel was fouad ia an outside bathiiouse t hia clQthiAg ablaze. After extingtiislimg the ftames members of the £amiiy, took t>anicl to Dr. H. Bonde at where he rcccive<i treat-j menl, He w&s Uien transferrvd { to thc Ewa hospital. LieuL Joim, Chincv of the detective bureau j was notificd of the youth's death ? nxmv third dejgrec burns at 9:12, p m. 1

| All notes are to be sold at par and ,uccrued intetust, u an.v, will btredeemed at aay liipe ufler tliree iniouths liom the monili oi issue. |but not before Juuuary, 19-12, wlieu •presented" in i>;iymeiit of inoonio taxes ai par aml acetued iuteivst up to and iucluding llie nionth in whieh 9ueh ta\es paid. Imurest will not acerue bevond the maturity of the notes. If not presented in paymen( of iueouie tnxes, tliej vri!J be redeemeil for cash uoder certain speeified eonditions at the purchase piiee paid for the notes. īn other words, the taxpayer. iu" |this case, gets back just the am-! :ount he patd for the noU'* 110 ; lroore. !

Tht> notfs wIU not bo ngistoivil. but will h.TYf tho purehaser' , K uatn< : nnā adāre.«.<? ]ttscviheā tlwve<.m so th»t the Collector of lnt?rua] Kevenue ean comitare the purcliascr , s n&iae with that 011 h.is tax roturn. They wīl! not be traiisfevable: nor ean they be used as eollaieial. App!īcations for purchases of both seriep of Botes oan be maile through the taxpayer"s bank and thf bank may credlt the proceeds to its Wai Loai> I>eposrt AeeounU it it ifciai snch an acco\mt. Applications c:u '.H-n bt niauo diicctly lu thc Kc4 v |rul R?st>rve Banks or to tlvo Trt>« of f];r | These notes may bo nsod to paj n».v Fet!oral iueome U\es (.euueui antl l>:u'k pcrsonal aud Jtaxo*, aiul exeesBprofits t;ixca) jFnrther details these is. suos will bo contalued iu ihe oifi 'eial Hrou!ar to bo reloascd abou ! J«ly 20. IS4I. | Tax S«rles—A-1943 I Note« of this sorios will bo issuo* !in denominatsons of [155, $50 :uu |?!00. The amo»nt ot this soriowWo!» ean bo piYaontod in paymon of ineome taxes will be liniStod t( ?1200 in any one tax year by auj <*ne taxpayer. The nbtes will pro vidf h retnrn of"about'l.92 per oeni [n voar, b;it tho rate po r eoiu wil !nof bf» rpr a $?" deiu> • minattoJ>. it vrUl bo «»xjmvsscil :U J |w»nl!» » month. d«»nomhiation fii i« o«»nt» « hWMUh, and for tbo ?10\ i4<pn<vmlnntton at 1® ct»nts a nnmih |tty toUo\vinK this method it is madt tsimple to oomp«to the cost w-bor lihe tnxpayer pk>rohases the notes («nd simpl<? bofli to the taxpayej !«Qd the Collector of Int«*rtial Rovo inue to computo tho ci>Mlit that m»y ttoe applieol to the t*xeB dUe. Th«w |wiH be sohedulc of valuo.s priat '«! on oarh noto Those noUs VkH! |tw for cash at the Ftnk i rai H,\nk of issuo «t anj !tiwo «l tho prifro }>aivV by iho t«y l imy*»r j T«* S«riM~B t»43 i Noloie Of this * 1 01 W iii.SU !wt in «t«»Hoiwit>ations of $100. |f>oo Thf lamouni «>f ilumm' noio* *huh cati ho pavtinnt o: t.i\r> .ijuu(a tsj iiu' Aaiou4it oi uui** du«\ Tl» Se«rcU)y Uiil howov«?r, jf.s«?rw io a»3> aoii alt TU« *-tu « mum oi *n K hny h ss tha» V2 o( \ «.48^) « but w »t» a. tu w&m- to «umiiiiO U«» t*.t* i»t <*u\ «Uj »«t tn> «vmvs#T«i. H W $ute*j «e 4 t*ms a moulU far * ?UV 4um iuvt|su\>ii, tor a muiAiiua, and m. T6ore m ai Iw * *i»o<iwit « \*Uk«* «•<* Rotv _«itt c««K «t IWimiil Hc S<N\* IwWik «M !««»>, ndhnpr saiU *«** *<*» «i**a thirts «!«>»' m>tkf *< tk«?