Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 16, 13 August 1941 — Tax Installment Plan Ready To Meet Rising Taxes [ARTICLE]

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Tax Installment Plan Ready To Meet Rising Taxes

| Secretary MorgeiUhau today auaouoeed a plau to make it easier for taxpayws, large aud suiaU, to aieet Uie unyreceilv'iiti, , d tax bills j requii-t>d by tbe Nulioual I>efease prograiu. L'uder tUi!5 two ries o£ nol.es \yould be issued as joutlined b«low, botli dat»'d August :1, 1941, aud roaturii)g August 1, j 1943 On January 1 of eaeh yeav afcer, (wo uew series will l>o pi'o\'i'ded so tliat a taxi>ayor euu always Jliureltaso uotes dutiug tlie eutiro year ūi whkh he rev:eivius his ineome. to be used ia j?aymeni ol hss taxes due in the following year. The reason for the two-year note is ;io pei-mii a taxpayer, if he so desires, to begiu saving in January of one year and continue throughout that year io save for his taxes due in Jlareh, Juue, September, and December of the following year.