Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 16, 13 August 1941 — Why Japanese Ponder Hitler's SOS [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Why Japanese Ponder Hitler's SOS

j This nuip. sT\owmj; tlie strenglb of rivul fom*s in tlu- Far i j why Japan so far has 11 ot ans\veied Hit!er*s lepuiiei! ?.O S. fui an attack em | Siberia. Russia's bacli door. "Thcir hands ahxa<ly full willi tiie Chin.i "InI cident', ilie Jupamse are outnumbercd almost five to otie ilie Russiau t jstcrn arni\ aiid t!nrc to two by the coiiil(incd iean navies.