Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 15, 6 August 1941 — NOTICE [ARTICLE]
CiRCtHT COURT. THIRO CWCUIT T6RRITORY OF hawaii ProiMit* 637 ESTATE OF W . M, $. UINOSEY, OECO j OROS.fI TO SHOW CAUSE j Th.KUI i\>HY OF HAW AIL f W.M.S. JUDtieey, Anna Lem Uud««y, Kichard Churles K. jLiuūSf> t Fioreuce Z< j notua K Lnui aoU ueit oi kiu of *aid iīi&liop Tiust jL,imited, guardian of tlie esiate of jsaid Hich6rd Chaties K. jand Florence Zeuobia K. Lindsey, ajid to all persou& iattr«si: ? ed īa of j. You eaeli oī you are hereby ;o appcar heioi o :;jc Ju<ige ia liis coui t rooau ai. ,|Kjkiiua> North Kona, Territari oX ou FiuU* Uk :iuh at uhe hou: ol Ui.wī' ,o'clock thcu aud \Ucrc. causc, il ;uii La\c, whi,, order >hould uei K iuii' grar,tcd io Aiu:a LeUehA atiininistī :n: ix dc loras Inon or tlu- t -st.«io of MS, Liul , 1 sey. deeease<l. lo sell property v%MiaisUng oj" il>ive 'i«r eele. as, fonow* I. AIS of th.it v,-rliiSn ot !parce* of Tand ? n Pst«nt orant SSOI s?fuevl to K;lU.s beth Lindsey. ioi hloek 5. <£ Waimea Homestead Lou% coutaining an aiva of 2SO acre*. >Uuate st AVa;rac.i. $vv.r.V. ]t?ounty of Hawail. | 2 All of Jhat certasn pioee or ]parcel of isescnbed L-ani' flam M «! I uulsc\. >v:nj: i a::.i Woek l, of ?h«> Waimea HoouLots. cont&ining au of »cres. st \VsiR U «, Kohala, Count> e: I'.awa:: | 5 AW ot that eer»ain pieee o: |p*r*vel or Um? T s«a S |of the K«uhopu Tract. .<staaic ** iPiopio HUo cf Hā '**W. co»tainins s« O? iBQU&r* r^ t K*iiu«u T. \\ s Au«. !,' |»S4l. i I 4. w, THOM^N 1 of īh* Oioeuii (\mr< iW I Olneuil. Tt>rHto?j o?