Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 15, 6 August 1941 — Blackout Set In Territory In Near Date [ARTICLE]
Blackout Set In Territory In Near Date
Surprise blackout to test the effectiveness of the loeal system will be conducted in the Territory without wa-rning in the near future, it was disclosed this week. No deta.il as to the time and date of the blaekout will be given out except in the case of precautions. Accordiug to plan* worked out |by the Big Island blackout coiumitt«e, Bignal (or this island aside of the telephono will be six short btasts, ?oHowed bv a two eeconds interval, anothej ! 0 r sīx short biasts, tt»«a intervsl again. and fiasix short blast&. Ihe Bignal wIU be sounded by ssrefi, vphistle or' i itorn. ) in Kona and other country areas., ]contin»ouB tinging of churoh bells ' will substitute for the siren, whis- ! tie or horn. j The "ali clear" signal heralding j the end of the eiercises will be oue long blast of the whistle, hom or jareu. i i Radio ftatioiis throughout the ier wiii liuuouuee lK>th the starting and "all clear" signals. i Poliee &lso will cooperate bj 'fiashing the signal on their ivd sig-' |nal lamps. ; The i"ollowing precaut|onary nu\t-] | surcs hav« been anuomiee»! by Qiej |blackout coiumUtei\ j l. Kubbish aud all viaibie j t»res should b*' exlnguisiied before i dark. The burning of eaae fields lis u pwhleni v> liieli iU necessarily jhave to be worlied oui by the plant |ations. I 2 Commervial anJ iidustrial | esub]ishnients urast oi"k oul with Hilo Klectric Ught comi>auj, jthe Kohala Sugar eoniyauy, oi thc! | Kona t.ig!u & i\>w cr coun»aiij, all! |Uo\.es&&ij sj>ccial dctalls to eouliol ] ~«U lnihu i» theit esuHhsli ' |iutiU!v Th«st includc Neou ] oUku' lights usualty icft bura ! ;Uig aftet clostng tiuic. | S Wheu your lioiuo lu i thc evettiog, please leave the houāe! iu toUl so that no U«ht! &hall be vi«ible tixun tW ouisidc. | The iooU offiee was intorme*i ] wtth ' imi aoo CUiu« Uas Ihvm »u*pt'ud«j. by the t\\st o!fiee | .'...IU'M -i,. "j
Wsth the tn&!» trvUiKt| s;ul ma}ot pO!tU>« o r Uio sjste*tt aVo«\l> uml«-!£nun'.t, ntr»«i);v* " Mt;g taVtn'i ?<■• rivt»vt a\\ llio I>ĪY ] t»\trliAUg<- * rneīH".tl<f« of tl>o Lv»Us r»!st.lHo* t\>«',J<Ar.y : e p:\Jhif, to J r N ' P\«v::U!*S i Y5<V fUisJ ' r*t &f tb<> fln»