Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 14, 30 July 1941 — South Sea Islands Being Rediscovered [ARTICLE]

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South Sea Islands Being Rediscovered

i :F.rwuk tiie days oi CaptaiQ Cwki aiul otber <Uacoverprs, ihe Houili! BBa.ZßUutds of the !iav<- ai»-• p«*aled «o the westprni ts as i<»lhhu ' tic but today the ip!ands are Iwmi'' "rediscovered" for 'their practi«-al! . »igniflcaiste. ltt a new book, "The South Se,ii , in the Moder» \VorKl," I»r. rf?īx M. Keesing. profess!or nf antbroiv) lo«y in the Unjver-<=iiy of Hawaii. draws a eompreli*'n.s;vo oi ijuu« a<»ction of Ihe woiki. T»r K« lsiajt diseussps t!ic s-<tiiiita! of tl»e islaads, th«-ir ■v?i»nv< i - . eeonomle develoi>iu*>nt; t'i. ing Ut'e and prot>lems of th«- miHUm aad three quarter i.s3a n*lers; and the i»osiiio!i o: Chiuese, Japauese iiud ottaer Hūferaia?» v.iio Mve eome in receat decad»''*.

i I*jepared at the re<juest 'of lfe r " Institute of PaeiĒe R«-iations, the ®**e»*r book was jmh!ished hy Joho ; i >ay i s neiirly 400 j»ages in A BriU&fc editiot{ is to b* * el h> \\\on & ī'nwin j Dr, i« a r<s<S|gn!w«d āwlh^ ! rity on the Pacifse isUnds fcv vfr -tuf ol uao jeai;s ol īrave! a/Jd iU eouau a ""fourtfa |gea«tftiio& islandei," for one of h|s jMrt j at Kraudf4tl»ers wett trom Eag•];iDd a.s im eaiiy mi*»ioaary to ihe | eaanihal Ftji islandr=; hss grandpao i uu i , bos n ihere, was »aioed "Po ; lyiKfsīH." Dr. Keesini? v&s born {n th«> Mal«y where his fath- < er was a survevor. and he gr»-w "oj> . sin Xt s; Zcaland. j Among th»< ī'niverssty of Ha«aii I īiro!e-Hsor's prfv?ous books are '"Mo<!**rn i4?nina", "Kdticaiion in Pa>Hfsr CountrleB". "Tamiag T*blll|»- , h»iße **Eiducation ia • } Pa<ific Couatr!»-s," *'Tbe P)siUjr ,n<ines-.\ Na«īor. in ih*- > and "The Menoiuinl Icdiaii> oī Wis j "