Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 14, 30 July 1941 — Coordinator Gives Report [ARTICLE]
Coordinator Gives Report
A »umaiAi> ol' madej far J)v the Big Island major| I dU,s>U'i vouiuil \vas disdos>e<l in' « «viU'i by Cooniinator Rob-1 ert 8. Moir to Chairman Saiw Spenoer. j l'lie j.unnuary, flie first to be| mailo ind>!ic !>v the coordinator, stn'ssrxl t]iat mueh remains tō be 1 dom> and tlmt it would exp«!ih?' mutt<rs if available funds wwe' ! known tlefmitely beforehand. ' it siiHl sutfi< i<>nt tnuks and rai!road ei ( uipnu*nt have been requisi-! ūoneti ior swift evacuation from anv datisrer i »iie sumju;iry added that wjuipj metu to nwmiain a round-islaiKl j «mitnunK iitu>n be?n locat«l in | Wh' evom o! a break in the present j systeni. j n s;hō ha\x» been taken j <u Kuani aU virai spots iron\ <uiboi I ajie, iiu iiHiiiii* proviswii for an j vmuijrucY >\atcr suppiv.