Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 14, 30 Iulai 1941 — Lampaign For Island-Wide Sale Of Defense Bonds Starts Soon [ARTICLE]
Lampaign For Island-Wide Sale Of Defense Bonds Starts Soon
for tli« i sal<" of U.S. defen«? l>ond<? an<! iaving« *tainps tliroughout the Territory will eommenee ju»l as soon ae uoo«led supplies and publieily malenal» are received from iho mainland, Fred H. Kanne, territorial administrator of tliese bonda, anaouneed. Ka:we spenl one week on the Big Island getting acquainted >vitli prospective leaders wlio will be handliug the loea! work.
|oining in the nation-wide crusadel by enabling the employees to de-| duct from their payroll to buy the| stamps and bonds. Kanne indicated that in a short while a territorial organization eon- , sisting of committecs, agendes, and voluntary workers will be formed on eaeh island for this purp<jsc. The following will be a few of the duties to he imposed of thc proposed organi£ation: 1. Arranging for tlic purchase and resale of defense savings stamps at department stores and other business houses. ] 2. Axrai*ging for a series ofj puhlie endorsements of tlie savingsi program from prominent husiness | men of eaeh £oniinunity. ; 3. Encouraging advertisers to give reasonab_le_ sgace to the honu^ 4rive eīther ia their regular advertising or s<rparate means. 1 4. Encouraging employers to disj>lay pr<aninently defense savings posters in their establishment. 5. Encouraging employers to distrfl)ute to employees dcfer.sc saving literaturc, thus acsuain?uig them with all detaib and advantage> to be derived. 6. Stimulating articlcs> and editorials in varioys ncwspapers and jniblications throughoul 8$ h*rri ton\ and also in employēe?Mii»ust organs, 7. Encouraging employcrs cot>pcrate wi*th thosc miploy ecs who voluntarfiy request that a systematic savings plan be a<hninistcrs ed through payroTl allotments or deductions.
( Large sale of these stamps at retail stores accounts for the success uf the campaign on the mainland, he said. John Sncll, fonner ne\vspaperman and more recently exeeutive secret<wy of the Hāuaii Statehood rummission. is arriving in Hiloj shortly to start the Big lsland eam-| j paign. Sneli ha> been appointed! J i'ep.ulN iHlministrator under Kanne. j j iiai>. Kanne >aid, is atH>utj j twa mont!is 1 ehind the mainland in| j ihe >ale canip;tigr». because of the! J long distance with resultant delayj ih the receipt ot needed suppliesj | und publicity inatters, 1 j The dcfense bonds administrator i indicattd U.iat saviugs stamps may j i*e: pl«iced at retail stores tliroughJ out the Territory, the same as on the raainland, to insure greater purelv.!se of these stamps b> the loeal people. 1 Mothers are [>iircli;tsing thej they later will convert into >tamj»s for their children whieh deitnse i>onds as siwings. After eaeh purchase, they arc asking for these slamps instead of the change, and are findjng the practico !x>th intercsting and profitable. It uas disclosed that durnig ihe first month of the national dcfensc savings starap and bond drive 4 thc Amcricim people purchascd :.>O.OOO in l?onds and $3,552,000 in savings stani])s. Some 16,000 U.S. jiost offices und 10,000 banks atid savings and ! loan ass(Kiations throughout the j nalion are now liandling the sale } of these stamps and bonds, with j thousands of private employers