Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 14, 30 Iulai 1941 — Filipino Pair Near Death In Knife Affray [ARTICLE]
Filipino Pair Near Death In Knife Affray
! l'pon rctuniing liome, lu- found' I iii- wiiV \vitii Rosulan. The latter| | nllackiti him %vīth a ] i i'Xil the \vt'a|>»n Ori-| i t;t siushoti :him rcj)oalt d < ly :!?vnit thc ("aee and Ihhlv unlil| i i.uiii aku «.uiiupMal 011 Uii: l!oor. ,
| "l)earest Aiinahol," \vrote Tom, j j\\ ho wa.s ho[)f>lessly in !ove. "I i wouhl swim thi! might.y oeean for | |one iilaneo [rom yonv āeur eyes. lj would walk thru a wall of Aaino for one toueh of your little hands. l' would ieap the widesi ehasm in the ] worlJ loi a woi'il froin your lovoiy Aalways, jour Tor.t, \ ! j l\S.: ni he over Sa(ur<iay iiihlu ( |if it doesa'i lain." | j j "What inaUes vour <log howl?", 1 lasked Wiison of neighbor Tel. ] "H«Vsust lazjr." > j "But la2iuess woirt niake a dog ihowl." 1 "Ye<s, 11 wiii this one. He's |ting- on a virccnn v' \\'/>eā stxA ioo !lazj' to move." '.
Two Filipinos arc confino(i in tho| Kohala hospital in a critical eon i ditiori as tlie rcsnlt of a fight at tho! home oi" one oi' the nien car!y \Yed f nesday morning, it was rejx>rted 1> ] poliee. Mariano Orita. 35, Kohala mill \vorker, w;is suft"ering froni a deep skull wound, while the other, I)o--fotio Rosalan, 30, received a gash in the left ami whieh is nearly amputated, loft llunnh ;tnd tho īn ! dex iingci whu ii woie KinputaU\i, i gash on the left side below the ril.<, and a deep gash ;utoss both cheeks. Both me were found in a jwol of I blood but wcre conscious. I According to Kohala Ori-j ■ ta a?.ked at 2:10 a.m. tliat he bo! excused from \vork to home an<l ] see his sick child. ]