Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 13, 23 July 1941 — Signal Given For Blackout On Big Island [ARTICLE]

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Signal Given For Blackout On Big Island

81* rti<»rt whlHtte \vil! .ui»»nn tl«»e to bla<.*kout <«n tli<* I•»« ls!;uxl. Thc :jhove f<»r a <«>iu»rul biaekout was deviise«! ;U a meeting of th<* 1 tl;t< koul ēomuiittef. of wlii<h f'.n\;u! Is acti»? <-hHlrmnii !n i>la< f of ī 1 īlton C. Walt<*rs, who <lir<*r-t<'<ī th<* lan bia<-k<»ut i»ut slft<-v h«* t'hat he Ih* reli<ntHl <:>f l!i»' )«>su At thv saiii»' «me hmy whi*tl« blast will Vw* aii "ull ck-;ir" sig ual, and thp houifri ituiy h<* liuht<*<l tjp again. Futur«> hl«<'koutj< "U this isin«ni will Iw {iiv'<*u wuhoui iuvuhu«'nnilUK, lt wais nnnouii<-(>(l. unji>, nh'iii wtth <>ii shift> iii.il waU'Uiui'ii, wiU > th.< hlaekoul eouuiiiUiK' Lu <';i< h <li<ir*u t It is h«i»e<l th;»t ii'i >-ii<* their por<-h lij:his «?) wln-n h>i<\li^

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