Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 13, 23 July 1941 — Inter-Island Planes Carry Record Loads [ARTICLE]
Inter-Island Planes Carry Record Loads
1 - : j Kor liu* tii'M six ui«mths of IU4I, two<nghiod mmsport planes of | lnter-lsiaiKi Airwuj's i?ew in »>xvess jof l\vo uUUiou mUt*s aiul j u i«nal <»f 2tV2T>4 iwmiiik, in |iu)iUtion to iiiiniaU aiul air (Thts is an av«»rajso of ai»itroxim;itt l jly Ki2 | In st»uinjt * hi>jh tlw oiw*ratos doul>U' s<*luhUilos, morninj; »u<i aftiM*noon, o\ot ull routos iuul all lslitiuls Fourt«H>n roiLuiar lliglu> aro s«ho UuUhl tlaily. totals by t»onihs >uv: J«uunry, HM; l\ i l»rutu'y> 2,84$ iliiroi». :V.'irk; A)trtl, 4,025»; M«J, -'V AKi; MUvl ,iun«», U,{is*>.
| Tht* t\>liowiHsr \vus oiioe ;h hvi»k of lava »m Kwiuk«tii\ >*\u h | wa,v; » j Ni»TIS: Tivspapii**rs wiH B s! l iUini U» Uu* ful! **f 1? HHH»Jsrwl «U»sis vvhidi nt*vt> \v»s ot*>r ;uu! 1 brl is»Mvt »wn wiHvJi »int l<md<vd wtth i'i;u>vs. IHnnoa if 1 !īlt |tln' timl of tWs hwk raising om
! And <ltri you Iwmw' tho «n* abou iilM? t»o»»ter wiu* was mulonaii} |fem*sttns »N»vn hH K«« i Another h\mu»r i» tl>o cri>\vx si:uui tiv hrsijrsi«s Un\g*»r ;ku<t\\ut£ *Hi MuU l»fcsis īlu 1 g««i ho tbr> t«iast |f«l nimnnl \\m t!w *?qulrvrl <>» tlw !»«»«»<>»' I ! "Sar»s" tlu s $\W|wrtsl«« Vm»wws th«l ou ttni t H '*« 5' ! »WN> , vxi*etui.iv<\"
; Ttw>y s?t.v <et*b itrtrth i»i « mllhim ImHi' *t * I Utmv N<« «v»,k«r IIH» pap* l S\Wk KO' fSkt>