Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 13, 23 July 1941 — BY AUTHORITY [ARTICLE]
TH»RO CIRCDIT COURT ESTATE 0F ELi2ABETH QREENWELL BRYANT. Dcceased iuu U\g ftU'd l»y S<?ī kiehi Sug«wav!i for leem of W J! !Wrs as Adrr.lv,',;; tmtor ior iho Ks(a'< ; o? Khsabot!i Qree«wfls Brj.'*nt, d<*r^aso»i: THERFPOKK. Kottct> i* given, a! 10 A M <>n Snturdsy Augt)st IS<l. b(?foro the of t !>•> Tl»lni OwiH iu bis Cvmv\ Room 'in t.ho> (V».vrt House s* Kailua. Nor«h Kor,a. Tl;v waii, is ApjH>iiu«Hl ttu> timo and pllK* fot- heaiin»: s«t*t p*-'.7to?: Dstt<H? m Kiiihia. Nonu «His» Jls»t iS«y *>f Ju*y, * 1841 BY THK COt" UT. i)y ROY A. WAU, nipn' TVtlrd rhv«i( Oo»rf Julr si A»* «
t y«m oW ywr H*e? thln» :V i*'
i _ ... ■- '■ ■ >•■ -*»- : ! "WUai 4ul £otV '■ <• \ IMI.O fr\nr. tho «<*īt*t tv h^timoast"