Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 13, 23 July 1941 — Naalehu Theatre [ARTICLE]
Naalehu Theatre
Thursday-Friday, July 24-25 Sls HOPKINS wHli Judv Canqva Bob Ctosby aad His Bobcats •*Flauiing Frontiers, chapter ont aod SborU? Saturday, July 26 ENEMY AGENT with Ricbard Cron»well, Helen ViDson COWBOY FROM SrNDO\VN wīth Teat Hitter Sunday, Juty 27 ITS A \VONDERFUL \VORLD with James Stewart, ClaudcUe Colbert Tue«day, Weflnesday, 29-30 HONOLI'IA' with E]eauor I'owpll, Robf: t Youtlg "King of tho Hoyal ctmp ter 8