Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 12, 16 July 1941 — Latin America Delays Action On U.S. Bases [ARTICLE]
Latin America Delays Action On U.S. Bases
Tltere has Ueeu evideu«e of a ujove re<exitl.v by t.he Uuite(l States tuward iiegotiatiug for use uf air aud uaval base sites io South Aiaemau couutries, aotably BraziL liowevor, clear and defiuite iudicaiiuiis of how far such uegotiatiuus »uay liave i»iugressed are laekin^. RegarULess of how uegotlations Ui-iy ).>e progressixig, the eouipleie piHuie of iit'U)isi>here defense sc-arcely eaii be chamctērized as sa-Ustac-n>ry frout the Vnited States V ie\Yj»'ii\l. St'iin' iutnjttis ago Mexico uud the Hīiiieil Sniies a coiiveutiou |trc»vidiiig ihai iiūlitary platies fr<mi eiii h vountry would be permitted to u>e :i< hi-. of iln' utlietv u iUi c'ertatti ' re-trictions. | 'i iie < 'eul rai Amei ieau uatlous | lmvc midiness for what | viunes c loser lo all-OUI defeU!re CO- - wlih tke Cnlte<l SUL«b l Uiuu utiy ol ilte olkei' Laliu Auieri <-o«ntries4. If lmses or otlier >J4 is needed on th<?lr Jt&ereJa no prospect of tuture dlfflcultieh in lhat area Colonibia Dels>* Action Ook»mb!a"s Prestdent Eduanio Santos hns den!ed a re]>ort ttiat hls tconnfry \vns īneTii(!etl In "Tnite\l ISfates uepot iatious for l»ase .sltēs, |Thls is n<> way tliat Lhe linwwil rolomttian atlmlnlstratU>u is stn>ngīy pn«loim>cra- !«<» fnvor«My l'neltned !owarG IHm» T*nHed Stat« j s, yet h nōw?' adinl !«lstr«ts*m is to eome Inlo fo! h«wtnsr n«»<īt y<M*rV e!ectlors?, an<l niv eerffl!n Im)Wlnnt ftaol<»rs wlileh T>r, Sant«»s must ln «lpht. ! Th<* io*w V»>no?nolnn ;:ovennnont. Ihi*yi>n<t !ifnrml«e ?trtct Bdlierlo !h»> T':H>-\niprlca)i t»*prt!*£iS!|n«s c>f eotitino!H«l wnlon atul Olpmo l<-ratie |>ri«Hi>l<i«, has maelē no im" jhīlo Ind!c-atīoti us to !ts i\tlitUcT? re" !srar<l?ne defenso hases. ' <6alflpages !stands ! Ronador ou niore than one oeea!«īori lvas Wnted a wiinns?H>ss to aY !Tow tlie rn!tod Sta!es to ma'ke uW jthe f2alapago£ lslaßds ror ■pMrjwj>os. TVru. w|l !>, whum T?vdā!dor has hii ;i£nrrav!itttisr twiiHlary !(15sputo. r»' i '£rar(ls snch «in ov«»rtlual1'tv \vlth l!ttlo plcasur<'. ftl?lioui:h tho hvmvlan has shown no nnn-TnHo«l State<? leaolnps 1 ĪV»ltv!a. lone refsar<V*l as a vrri'tmal!tnrīan hoth*Hl. lias oust(fMl a!r tr\ri>jvort. hy lexproprCat!ii« the I.loj-a Aew BoH nlano and «w tho op»*mftlon nf lts «»ntos to H* 1 l*an AmwlIpiin 0m«» Alrvravs. Mor? !pfvsidont Knrtqno !Vn»»rcuula ntac!«> 1a housiio!oanlnp of h!s eaMiw!. a n*»w .hlo?. an«S <»r !tlom! pT*»s«HH>tson of Axis |<llsts, | Ohlle. whieh is out of Ow |Unm«KU«ite orblt of cliixvl Euru£»3&u |ftltt(reaBk4u īs vvasldor^ i'i'aii. 1 \iovorunwnu howhnvo lt 01-\ir that tWy !«ht not \visli to allow the VniUvl Uu- of T3w . t')ulMtn s«>vornHsor,t « uuiu'ln»r of Miial! l>ani<!» su\uner< hut t kom ?iands oflf Oorumr. ,n,.1 Ila'.ian ■ idio shipv»i?ij: Alsc> ii r>H\Huiy so->c-epiod ii.e former vU»iuia!. trsnuug <sfcip rri«aU. *s a j.if( M»tw !W«rtUi | lk»th ln»for*» a?s*l aftor VtvssUSetU j Kows»ovo»f s May ravik> AcUus rrv«M,Swt Hauion s. C*sll£i\ Jof Ar<?rtulu*, attluuc\l ArjxmUi<? j»ivu(r«iuy, and a>-n-TU\l ;hoir wiU *tv no o\vw-5^,-ī?ī s '" l i , f i,510 , Tlu» ntsiO t.As u;U;liinic\\3 i«v4«\iiM* \ji uuaUi«nau fo? j Arit*JUtna h*s t\» 4»i that *v^a «liow VnUr-i £or\vs w IK iu ih* l vki»iix of ifee Klm th*« jprioctj\«! tra»k> tvuic. H |*s Ufc**y tb»t Atseoti&* dorS\i\i uo> i\k>*sU!v frc\«* U*e l" «•«#«*> th*t th*« l*ityr »*\vu!4 v>i-S a to I.». >*n cs»util«>. >*arrtn<; v\uh * u«M2 *> s i Sfe lao!*U\i, *l*osrv « c3o«t«. t**t **»vv*S3rU\ \-vij m&i N» *tm*g tv sir *v«!lshW> io ;ho VaU<si HO*VWf, At)g»»MW l*\Uvy iaJtae«ri&l tn l^r*i,-^\ lk««tU i* tb<» Ilattt\l lu th* (kd4» O? tsu>k\ \\\>Uota»v» *Vsā fiu«UvV *itei «wwri*i W «MMW «4« V4iiCLOM ** *«♦ T%? !!vrs»i H*« is ;h¥« tftov? w&wm'U* *4 tost ;s,\| j U. ,-vvai oī ' VV iU, 9m k mM le (
iHininp n ualuml \vtiiii»srii"ss to |to| nii thc Wiiy \vtt!i Ux* r«i?ed S{,'iu>«' on tho <|uoi«tloii (jf līui tliat hns not !»wti !iu> . um'. iunl tanu> observers ltjiv< s (OiiehKlo*! tliat !n--!Un"Uti;\! I'n\>'iUan ari!>> uinl iiavj firr)#»s r«>cflr<l Axi< p<nvx»r puramount nui! art* <i to a U. S. miUtary tie-ap. €W>a, of n pwul!nr pos!Hon \vlttifii t!ie defense iifuse setuy. The f>uitess ha* h«<! ii sironj; nnv:i! b&*<? on Cu~ «niHiiHmo Bay for hoHrlj 4«"» ,von rs.