Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 12, 16 July 1941 — Exportation Of Scrap Iron And Others Banned [ARTICLE]
Exportation Of Scrap Iron And Others Banned
\ MAMLA, (B.v CtipiK?r - A |dertiiUeTfK>iiey u£aiust tho «xi>orta',Uuu of serui> in>a mui high uradt ana ui;U!gar,ese frvuu the 110 forf»l!rn Iw-; —la' : % :a, ef the |r. S. lftsh O>mt»lssionor unJer Uie I ftHieral exiw»rt <xMitr\»t aet ; Tlui>ti arv iu 4iddiUou u> eopi>er |aiul irv>u, u i.\nui>lete lsau ou tln> es j porluUon of whivl> had 4»\»vi«usly Kvti This meuus that j iietl!nT nor >J»eeia! Uceuscs * wlīl be for tlim 4 eXi>orts, ! Mw»»iwSi!3e. l!ie offl<v of tIK» ltlgU reivorteil votiyUJerahie tn Ihe »)\euhvr.v of foix%ti hnvt stn«»nts tn the rh>\nnS W s uts ;»ler the n»<\>nt orvler aH A\Ss The H!jīh ro»innssi<uierV ofilw 1 has alr<Mi<t> «>t»tHitie<l iufor?iiatksu o:; ]lhe eitetnfive ime>tweHts of for . eigtters iii <'u>uiathv hv-n\ Oae of {»he lHMtstmeatN ihai imere#ts the ,»<»\wtiu«e4tt iji iu luiiiini; heU jt»j fvnvt*;net>. k viiftteult, iuw le fult.v Ueienmue the vulue v>f ;*.Uen hoHHu*;* Ui auiiittg sU*eks ,t» the> ,«r>- trunsfvrj\vS v\-eri uov* ;nul the» e.;,v ?o UU\>U4«. v?eps a?v to wilh * eiieeklu* »lps|>Ho Mmeuim»» th*t Au t<mrttk« o«« s> iW »*>«" »**t<Mit ot iu 1 1 ype ef Uw v*tiu< 1