Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 12, 16 July 1941 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]

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Ka Hoku o Hawaii

The Star Of Rawaii

J\iaaaXa A <Hoo£aaia 3 Ka «Cahul <ttau>ait STAR OF HAWAII {Printed «n English and Howaiian)

mLO % HAWAII, T. H., POAKOLU. II&AL1& |941



The Stav of Huwaii is published in the snter©sts ot the Hawaiian people with a Yiew of i>roiuoting goodwill and pres(:'rving the language and traditions of the Hawaiian people.

Vol. XXXVI No. 12.

| to Pepple


, w jl' Hiiupwuinp Thle «©eUoa of Ka Hoku O Hawali t« prliitad 1q the English i&agnage 'or tbe b€oefit of Übe youogpr geaeratlon, mauy of whom do cot re»d luLguage ot i lieir and our eauep.